G11i us sny uie f or sefe acivice on sound, ýWe wil gi éve* you our frmnk advice* prom»ptlY, md court0ougly as we want you to remlly un- derstmnd ail your insw'- anc. poles E13ERLE IMURANCU AGENCI 522 Conter Street Wmnne$*d ô'clock. upr1l#t tW1 eýtr eMl On Sunday even ing, March 21, tangle type living a tai1. ji wm0Viof clnesi ailegn Baha'is of the north shore and Chi-i noticed that there is an openinig to teo yidiila~ nils ao eeatdter awruz Feast, right in this chute. .hich is 12 feet P . WI -e tis eyimotn oný ebr the timrta nt on the across, peruiittiIàg the air to sPili cout p.H, imte:tiseripoan Bahai calendar. The day is con se- j nainly in the eronn hu penel htyUke o feeymnt O cratied to commenioratiofi of the be- ing oscillation. Overcoming.ti os Ihvfn.tis advisable flot to get ginniing of, Spring, the Baha'i Newjclainmasta h upri the habit of being too generoUs. in log- ea.Tiisthe equinox. whe 1h swung off bis balance s(> that whe hegng -your ti;ne. In other words, do flot suri ýsetsat the equator, and the tVJ oun srahdh ~ ado is cheat, as yo'u will only be cheatiflg hemispheres are equally illumined. f eet facing the saine direction the chute yourself. and you will not he aàble to "The rising of the sun at > the equinox is blowin'g and. niaintain bis balance. handle your shiip as .your fictitiou s tume is the s ymbol of hlf e, and by Baha'is. siouid indicate that youg bandie one. this is considered a ýàymbo1 of theHoert is fiot rniant that you should Divine manif estation, of God whicb not. have 1credit- for every minut .e >oi establishes. the signal of Iliie for the tume.you have ac utally put. in, but a good. world. Therefore' they look upon this truc log will bear you' up ini vour flying as ,a holy day. and afford a permanent, detailed 'record -of y our progress. MOVIES FOR CHI.LDREN- The James Nesn nAnLoieNel Trier High school has recently Rantd ronfor.r fornied an Aviation clüb sponsored by Nîr. Rauof the faculty., Officers of, the dihiltrelt a ftee -progtraoI0,1 four Qv ing pictures, .all about. underseaI diving, at Field Museumu of atural History Saturdav morning, Mfarch 27. Titles of the films to be showfl are:~ ~Baby Goes Down" -_ Native Diver Among the Corals," "ýBaiting the Sharks," and 'The Strange M\oravs." There wiIl be two shovvings, elne be- i858 ginning at 10 a.m.. and one at 11, in the janes Simpson Theater at the Cil;,ren f rom ail parts of Greenaway, treasurer, and M-,erry Jane Orr. secretary. The club is divided into three committees as follows, niodel air- plane committee, vocatioinal comniittee, and flying conunittee. Already there are 65 members and this ilumber is expected to be even greater shortiy as imuchi iii-, terest is eVidenced amiong New Trier students. Planý are being mlade to have a niodel airpiane exhibit fa'rch 30, G;ease I.d'Grosse and Hy>oid Gears (in most new cars) need S>ecial H»poid Greaseý Don't Compromise on grease! JuMP &at As was stated býis jump Sund iThis will be hi ly, wetle s 322nd i t t did miuch iii aviatiofl), circles and was known ftor bis honlestY and sitcerity and will be iissed by bis miany ried' luffp. Johnnie Untd Air lines' outlay for fuel. This il al 'o mkeUie navear United is purchasing enough91 gaso- iclu r stnpe. une to run 2?00 automobiles for10 )out 2:or 3e vears. One of Uniited's. giant 12-ton; 15- ~out2:30or I hour. coast-to-coast transports burns Phone Win explaflation for this is that it is two loi Kepil three-cYlinder engineS combined and home S staggered with a two-throw crankshaft. tpt t, Nirs. Clayton B. Burch ôfi y road, Winnetka., formierly irth, are expected to returui arday from a three weeks éxi:*.