serve Armory iii Chicago. The naines of Mr. and Mrs. War- ner along with those of Mr. and Mrs. Warcl Starrett, Who are officers of the NMidwe'st Badminton association, head thieist -of box holders for the event.ý Oth ers along the. north shore in.- clude: Mr. and Mrs. Donald Royce and Mr. and Mrs. Courtenay Davis of Kenilworth; Dr; and Mrs. Wallace D. Mackenzie, Mr. andf Mrs. Everett. R. Cook, Mr. and Mrs. Russelli T. Stern, Mr. and Mrs. Holden K. Far- rar, Mr. and Mrs. John H. Dingle, Mr. and Mrs., LestéerB. Knight, jr., Mr. and Mes. Edu-ard B1. Hall,: Mr. and Mrs. Harold O. Barnes, Mr. and Mes., Clark J. -Law rence and Lansing B. Warner,4 Jr., ail of, Winnetka;ý Mr. and:Mrs. Edwin, C. Austtn, Mr. and Mrs.'. Elmner FP.. Wieboldt, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert G. Mayer, of Glencoe. About 800 Tickets for Artist-Recitals SoId The entire reserved-seat section for another season of concerts has been sold, the Auxiliary comniittee for the continuance of Artist-Recitals annouinces this week, at the saine time that it reveais that about eight huin- from ned by the committeeiichre "Littlie EV.a" Densoni (Mrs. John Den- son.of Winnetka) and "IToiisy" Mit- ten (Mrs. L. E. Mitten of Kenil- worth).. Reservations 'are. to be made. witb "Baby", Taylor (Mrs. Bessie _Taylor of Keniilworth)., 'Gives Bridge Parfy Mrs. Paul B. Bass, 504 Fifth street,I was hoàtess at- a small bridge party at, her borne Tuesday of this week. TA TýMANý Nationally recogmized lo correct table arrangements 707 Churci, Street rti s -M*'Oil iV'-... Reserved scats are just a portion of the seats available in the New Trier auditorium, which, because of its excellent acoustics, and its com- paratively sinall size and arrange- ment, makes any seat on the main floor and balconies desirable, the committee points out. It is here that the concerts are hield.. w'JA'c in a n Everyone is themeeting. present. Gi.enbaf24SO III