saw a picture of tne ILvanston model homne, sponsored by W. G. Ruzgles and company Jlast fali. Arreangements were 1 made _li New York city through the American ,xpress company for the travelers to be escorted about the north shore by Mr.- Ruggles. Their first desire was to see the Evý- anston miDdel 'home and they were reported as. entbu.siastic about, every' détail. Hlerr Fichhorn stated that in Gem- any design is getting back to the colonial t ypes and that Herr 1litier nio longers alIows the drastic modern designsý to be executed in Germany. Mr. Gripefnberk stated that our min- erai wool ty'pes of insulation are far better than the. saw dust and comk mixturesthat are used in Pin-ý lai and aouztheir double, glazed types of windows are far in advance of anv Anierican windows up to now. Building costs in termany and Fin- land, the travelers sav. are about one quarter what they are here. Mr. Ru gelés in sbowingthe vîsi- tors about the north shore, conciuded every tyPe of home that is under construction and everv section in a inoruJougn nrstanding of mort- gage loan financing in the north shore territory. He- is a gradluate of the University of Illinois,, member of Delta Chi, Gamma Eta Gamma. North End Men's cub of Evanston, and associate miemfber of the Waukegan Real,,Estate board. This new service, offering loans for both construction and refinancing, and specializing' in F14A and Insur- ance company type mortgages, pro- vides homes buyers and builders on the upper shore with a complete service by tyinz up with Baird, and Warner's sales- department. Wesley E. Bowman WiII Build Kenilworth Home One of the two permits issued in Kenih4wort -drig th~er 1fst weis,1 for a new residence which Wesley E. Bowman is building at 640 Kenil- worth terrace. The other is for a rear porch, which James R. D. Stevenson is building at 132 Oxford road, costing $75.00. The Bowman residence is of frame and brick veneer construction, coin- FIRST MORTOAGE. LOANS on improved real ustate .i Chicago, and suburbe are miale by The Firs. Natinal Bank of Chicago, Low interest rates and attractie.plana rac offered on well-4ocated property. Real Estate Loan Depa-rtment T.kPhPuS RA"*Ila 6M0 city will proceed back to Germany and Finland. PERMETS FOR REMODELING Three building permits, two for re.modelinoe work and one for repairs NEWCOMER IN FAMILY The newest memnber of the William Steinhoif famlly of 1201 Ridge ave- nue is the. first daughter, Arlene Mary, boru on February 8. The baby has a* brother, William. 907- Lie.*Avenue.Win"*k 0MWY ,Il