Odie Construction Co., MODERN 5 IRM. FIREPUOOI' CONCRETE IlO M E UNDER ee86,0.Sg EPLAZ4S, EST., NO OBLIGATIONS. TERMS. 1608 N. ArtesIan Armitage 6212 15A-LTN46-4tP JOSEPH KNEIP 'CUENTANDMAON lCONTIUACTOR SpcllSili WrOfflg Basemxents £714Waalugtfl ve.Wilmette 2618 15A-LTN45-4tP CARL BENOSTON CA-RPENTER AND 8UILDER Repairing and Rernodeling, -ciii WINNETICA 2480 ster 6 pms 15A-LTN44-4tp. PLASTERING EUPAMR AND CIMENTr WORK G. A. Thu.bV. 8Phone WiImette 8388. _______mmg your trocs and, shrubs, and hrightening upgenerally with paintin g and Each of th e services listed bore can easily and inexpen- Sively brinig a breath of Spring to the Winterý-1ogged home. CARPmVS ëAND VUn NivIF FLCLUNING SPECIAL NOW 15% REDUCTIONý .ria*1tal d fln.nAtie Ruts a ForoD PRODUCTU M-O-R-R-I4-S-O-N-'S N4EW SEA FOOD MART AND DELICATESSEN AT VOUR SERVICE Stucco finishl one reaves. 'eetq Mat'1 furn. Melvin Skolnik, Wil. 3413 CEIL. CALC., $2 UP ROOM PAPERED ' $5; ANTIQUE wallis waghed and starched. $3; We de any klnd f decoratlng, very reason- ably. Kitchen palnted, $7 up; bthroomn enameled, $61 up. Well recùmmended.1 LOUIS, ýWINN. 2581 42LTN46-ltpý AUGUST P. PAPE. StTCCIESSOR TO JOSSP1I J. IpApe speciailming luinihterior and exterlor eihtlung, AMmo paper 1uttngL mull. wok snd. goor refinshlhg.. 1715 Lake Ave. Phone Wllmette 3589 4SLTN48-4tp FRED I. BROBERG CO)4PLwrTiPAI$TINOG- ýTN46-ltp * K. L. Duri Painting and De( SHELDRAKE North Shore Work e -lt OTTO E. GEORGI, JR. - TREE SURGEON PAIN' C av1ty fillung, prun1ng. Good references. atin 1Eatimates cheerfully given. mette 690 1738 N. California. Ave., Chicago - PHONE ICENI 42LTN45-4tp ERICKSEN 'D INI!ERIOR DECOR- Waahington Ave.-WtI- 42LTN45-4tp iNO TUNINC HLIARI 1