ttice of laice, scnool, chûrehes arff transportation.. Owner leaving towl.* STOP as you drive by. See the housie f rom withiln- and-the beautif ul view A.ver the, Skokie club. 770, Bluff St., *)r phone.Glenco'e-170. jI 1ILTN46-ltip ASWEET, SUNNY HOMF? 9 Roo,, 3 bath brick wlth large sun and sleep- ing porches. 5 minutes walk froni Tower Rzoad station and Hubbard. Woods .c4ool. Wooded lot on beautiful, quiet, Street. 100ÉI140. .$25,000 wlth $12,500 loan eXpirinÉ 1940. Make offer 'as owner wants to inove property this month. Mrs.. Fuller & Wnî. Pickard EXCLUSIVE AGNTS @4Elm St. Winnetka 3663 Il ILTN46-Itc 124 Laurel,,Wilmette SUBSTANTIAL 4 BEDROOM, t% bathý resîdence;, with library and fieated sleeping poreh. In. perfect con- dition. Lot 7àx200. 1/ block west of Sheridan Road. Owaèr sacrificing at grouhd value. Hel 1S N RFLU1'Y CO. EXCLUSIVE AGENTS 660 CENTER ST. WINNETKA 254 1111,TN46)-1tc $1Z500' S ROOMRESIDENCE COMPLETELY Inc.1 .. ~s.Peti., desxrable Winn. loc. ÂS~'t.n J.h~l\U.$13,i)00 sale or $110 Mio. rent. %Ir,. hatiche'r. i25 Eiî St., WInneti<a %Winnetka 3500 NI,-ýW CAPE COI) COLONIAL, OUjT- standn, i be., unlobtrueted vi ew f rcr elVe rY W'îndow; 8 rins., 3 baths, large rec. .; air cond.; lot 81x19Y6; price $2,OJO wner 88",Sherid an road, BRICK COLONIAL, 6 LGE!F. ROOMS, sun pore.h, tme bath, extra lavatoryj o011 heat, 2-car igarage. 0Good condition. Mrs,, bang n Winnetka ,1194 I11LTN46-Itp . WILMETTÉE, NR. LAKE, WOOD)ED, moder4,, owner bulit--4 bedirms., libr., sunm..beut.inerir,2 bas., spa ce 3, eauic%~ hlo tule. 57x29,. lst floor plan.""2blocke, corner. $16,500,, Owner. Wilmette 493. 111 LtN46-ltp FOR SALE-VACANT Indian His Estates - East Why not drive your family out Lake Avenue, Wilniette, to look over these beautifui horne-sites Over 43 Years of »ependable Service, 530 Davis St., E~vans. (ire. 1080, Wil. 228 il 4LTN46-itc KEN14WÔRTH RIPA RIAN RIGHTS Building. site reduced f roni..........$23,500. to . .... 15,000 lot ...........l20xl6O Exclusive Agents KAY8ER & WEIN~SToCK X ENILWORTHI REALTY CO; * Phone, Kenilworth 507 or 509 114LTN46-Itp 2 RIPARIAN HOMFSITES,WILMETTE 115x275 irregular; wooded; *beautiful vi ew. Offered this week at $15.000. 10OX195 irregular; exçcellent beach, $18,Oô0. W. G. RU GGLES & Co. 517 Davis Street, Evanston .14o1. 6886; Uni. 6886 Wil. 1660 large lots ana acreage. i-ricea w help you build pow. Mr. Rink, 5 8. St. Johns, Righlýand, Park BAIRD & WARNER, mIc., MAL T1TLN46t COXu-NSTrRUCTION . LOANS WE ARE IN THE MARKET for desirable building boans on Welb-looated N4orth Shore prop- erty. $5,000 AND UP Interest as low as margin of security will warrant. $2,000 to $25.000> 4% TO 5y/2% INTEREST McGUIRE & ORR, Inc. Over 43 Years of Dependable Service IM Davis S&. UEans. Ore; 4ffbW4l .sel new hot re us an <i [ITE 725 Elm St. BUILDJ 521 Pourth St. Wilmette 11I LTN46 . ,NORTHFIELD 7RQOM HOME ON MORE THAN acre of ground. Fruit trees, 2- garage, hot. water heat. Price $5,50( S T VIATc Ir T)-n) . 910 AN 2-car .0 tNvo iovel now un others w You ii. but you yuwis) for, our liculars. information cal mnap and other, tive W'ill be on quick. Today's price $3,500, Higher next week. RAL1 Mvrs. ruller & vvn. ricicara Write B- 746 Elm St. Winnetka 3603 114LTN46-ltc ______ 1 HAVE SEVERAL CLEAR LOTS 100k _____i 150 on~ beautiful Lake Geneva, ad- tjacent to Golf course. No assessments. Uni. 1715. -t I 1026