very fh* vanillaýfiavored brown .dg. cold with ciisp. or * ok-n aqidition to h"as an appe r. dessetcours r.y goodI4 fr whmik46 conat p 24. 85c: rown Edge waters oer use Almost like frneshr peas--Sweet «edtendier end a fine vegetablecourse f l for luncheon or dinner- 22Cs No.2 2-CIOC * lord. Grapefruit, Juice Chili and serve for breaifast. eitheg as sor combined wifh, Welch Grape: 18-o0& .2 19 iC Clovern@ok Catsup A dolicatoly se4soned Condiment made from fresh, ripe tometees. 2 forI25C Potato Chips Crlsp, fresh andi paper thin-Serve fér lujicheon wjth shrimp sla-. 10419C RIçIm.U.u Jumbo Shrlunp. For* a delic*ieus ,Iucheon salad. coc&- tail or Slirimp Crele- Serve with crisp potato chi Ps-fo HOT I1OUSE CUCUMBERS Long Johns-crisp end fresh-sle very thin, without peelng end lot standin ice-water a haif hour before serving in salacis. Adeficious entre., when lard.d i to a derk brown tenderness. lb. 2£ >.Broil and serve with 1f'*43 toast. Snobait variety, pur. white and firm, full flowers. Serve* whole with a border,-of fresh peas. 15~c JONqES SAUSAGE. For SHORT RIBS of BEEF. t.mpting dinnor entres. Sunday morning IL. breakfast. lb. Brased short ribs make a APRIL 1, 1937 35c