San Antonio, Tex., They wili return April 3w Mis Baker is chairman of the committee. directing thç*,observation of the centennial of the kfindergarten, and wil1 direct a special session at the meeting. Miss Clara 'Belle. Baker, directr of the..Children's school of the college. Miss Mabel Kearns, secretary1 of the college, and Miss Dorothy Weller, and 'Miss Verna Finiger, instructors, also are attending. Miss Clara Belle Baker is. chairman, of the study group on Language Arts while Miss Kearnis is in charge of the study group on Trends in Equipment. The students who are attending are Miss Charlotte Bassler, Miss Mar-, garet Clymer, Miss Martha Kate Miller, and Miss' Nancy Hbbârd. 'Miss Bassler is president of thie Col- lege council. Alfred Schwind Pinvhed Mfter Automobile Crash About 8:30 o'tlockMonday evening hf r-as, long, as nîs name, Holzrichter last week, unemno- tionally ,chopped" down every player on the 'New Trierý team, remfainimg unperturbed even, when, in his last' match, he miet Ab- Abbott Nelson bott, Nelson, until then' unbeaten. The fact that Nelson had neot ex- tended himself ail afternoon; that Ru- dolph Hazucha, Number. Two Lane player, has earned only 12 and 10 points agalifst.him in two games; thatNelson. had recently taken the New Trier chani- pionsbip. by defeating Dan Kreer, state Ititie-holder ; that he hiad only several tournament-ali these facts, even hiai he known theni, probably would not have ruffled the calm of the lad with the "tbogue-twister" cognomen. Holz- richter beat Nelsoni two straight, 21-16 and 21-18. The final score: Lane, 15; New Trier, 10. Air.' understandings about this maneuver grwi and so many varied explanations of it, riod. tint to devote some space to describ- only ing it would flot be' amiss. . capa If insuffcient speed is gained to fore pull a ship over the top of a loop the Arnc ship. might do somnething like that il- lustrated. The critical moment in a C( l'nese placements mnc ude not «-11u J ositions in flying and ground was. arres es ini the US., but also in driving ai countries, including South His carw an republics and China. Riding, Meteoopogical Data Helen Mc ary to prevailing o p in ion, Police an, 7 of winds ankrft Anoe tînt in,- tained sei ii, 71 Pu ark avenue, in>ury. The boys were taken tÔ fthe n charges of, reckless police station, and the rifles held un- iving while intoxicated. tii they brought their parents in for erturned. a conference. The practice of shoot- Miss Ruissell was Miss ing air -rifles munnst, according to police e, daughter of. Chief of orders, be discontinued. Parents, they rs. McGuire, who sus- assert, should refrain from giving severe bruises. boys sucli dangerous playthings. camp 'n A - I I I jr