Wall papera ulpboloteriiig slip cavera accessorleS i I ~flOflT1CELLO Th wo1mats'lc lb at 8 o'cloçk in the Wilinettc Denison Conserva tory of Mlis cert upill consist of classical,f ,rIt's a Good Trie i Pnposed of over 35 voices vid college: sonigs and is 1 lter oncrtsan a radio broadcast are scheduled for ýng vacation tour. bers of the club is vomen of the Wil- iwho. are enter- 5' Accredited Junior Coliege for girls. A ricli cultural. back- ground has set a high intellectual stand- ard for Monticello. However, the aim, is flot orly the acquisition of knowledge, but the full development of the indi- vidual., To this end the school offers departure of two çolored gentlemen wvho had taught them a very clever card trick. The two dusky boys had driven up in a coupe carrying an Indiana license, and becoming chatty, suggested to Bauer that he could flot pick the Quéén of Hé2rts out o-f a., pack of cards after of the featured soloists. SThere is no charge for the concert "What Good Is College Education ?"-Sermon "W\hat Good Is a College Educa- tion?" xiI be the subject of the ,, ...p . DxdPh C'harles 'E.,Shul- I~. 1U LI~ .' UIJ in Washington, 1414 N. DsxbOmn StreoChicago, m little mor h ____ ___ ____ ___ ____ ___ ___ the trip both w~ ne. ,e on 'lues( at Saraý( >UUa YveiJ from a Fla. weeIcs' over the present1 t ag rveniny, Aril 3, ig Ke 1llo gg 1o 1th e i octet. The con- to ô t oiýér èoncerts, and