Rear, Admirai Richard B. Byrd (above), Harry Emerson Fosdick, and Mrs. Fraiiklin D. Roosevelt ze4II observe the twentieth anniver- sary of 4,,wric.a' .trm>cg into the World war next Tuesdaty by speak- i . ng over the radio in behalf of the No-Poreiqii-War cru.sade of the Ernergency Peace campaigit. 'hey loill broadcast over WENVR at 9:30Ô:m Admirai Byrd bas accepted the chair- manship of the No-Foreign-War cru- sade as a resuit of his decision during the two mnonths he spent alone at a remote .outpost, in the Antarctce, to devote the rest of hisý life 'to pronioting world peace. Kathleen Norrds, the nove1iýt, will speak ini Chicago under the auspices of the Emiergenlc ' Peace campaign next -Sunday evening at 7:30 o'clock at the Chicago temple, 77 West Washington street. Admission is free and the public is invited.y Northi shore sponsors of the Emer- gency Peace campaign include Williamu G. Hlibbard and Mrs. Jasper King. SPECIMEN BALLOT' TOWNSHIP 0F NEWTRIER--E lin* April 6, 1937 O ýCITIZENS LEAGUE For Supervisor EGERTRUDE M. THURSTON' For Clerk E]MAR GARET S. PIERSON INDEPENDENT For Assessor [H. S. MARSHALL For. ollector SANBQRN HALE For Higbiway Cornnissionier LLOYD C. AYRES 1En F or School Trustee WARREN J. BURKE For justice of the Peace (Vote for Five) For Highway Commnissioner LIWM. T. MacMILLAN' For Justice o fthe Peace (Vote for Five) ox waR accon' J. Ross of Eva :nree weeks. ied by 1Mrs. ALFRED A., SCHEMPP tofl.