RMIl or Tiurndown SRUMS là o Special S.II.g $1..66 and $2-66 Flattering, youthful bat fashions ini straws, and soft feits. Light and dark colors to harmonize or con- trast with spring ensembles 1 *ïmuni ut $1,4»88ý âe-liesj% uluu*LK cir. Pina s L ui Ute. diéitfullY, softly tailored, or muan tailored types, ail smartly cut and fit- ted in the 'new spring fabrics. ,Whatever type coat or suit yon want, we have a grand selection here 1. Choose f rom breath taking styles, soit fle-cy fabrics,, and. bright colon rs Sites for Misses and iVome' 1EV SECOND PLIO~ ~s~k (Y) Weeks to