Plans.for the annual spring benefit card paity and. style show occupied the members, of the Mary: Crane league whoi met on Tuesday at the home of, Mrs. Vandervoort Gathany in Evariston. The date of. the event has been .'set for. Wednesday,, May 5, at 1 o'clock, and will be held at Shawnee Count ryI club. Mrs.«Vandervoort G a tha n y has. been assigned the 'chairmanship by. the social 'chairman, Mrs. William. McNamee. Serving on' her committee is Mrs. Harold Cunliff, co-chairman and.head of the ticket committee, with Mrs. John Garineas ising. Including' other members working on the cornmittee are, Mrs, Robert Spaeth, Mr.s. Robert J. Fellingham, Mrs. Ambrose Weschelberger, Mrs. William Moiter, Mrs. 'G. D. Thiesen, Mrs. Edward E. .Ruggles,. Mrs. Ben FIeer, Mrs. Earl Graham, Mrs. Wil- liam Kinney, Mrs. H. R. Taecker, Mrs. William Haddad, Mrs. Royal n;kqn.Mr.E. IGlaeser, Mrs. M. Verne Bennett. Preiiminary plans include the style show, the awarding of prizes which include one for each table, the re- freshments. Ail proceeds of the party will aid. the muaintenance of the Mary Crane Nursery school at Hull House which 'the league supports. is gïving the laet paLy inesa Tuesday, April 6, at 12 o'clock noon, at the Jewel. Tea Company, Inc., Jewel Park, Barringtôn. The high- light of the day will be a very inter- esting tour of the Jewel planit, which will be foliowed by a luncheon and 'bridge party. Reservations.are to be made in ad- vance with M4rs. Ernest C. Renif of Chicago. Besides Mrs. Raiph Long, the committee consists of Mrs. Reniff, Mrs. Albert F. Ailes, Mrs. Otto Culi- man, Mrs. Charles F. Folger,ý Mrs. Carl' Gordon, ,Mrs. Oscar Hebel, Mrs. George Kottenstette , Mrs. L. 'C. Pelatt, and. Mrs. J. M. Weil., On Thursday, April -8, the club- wil have another interesting day at the Edgewater Beach hotel. It is calted' "Hobby and Personai Achievemen t be on exhibit, and Marion Hutchin- son McCreedy, onie of the North Shore juniors, will sing. Otto Reich will give a talk on "The Fort Dear- born Area." In the morning officers and ch air- men will give reports. son ot LI Fribourg. Delta G ammra sororityv of No'rthwesterfl university is hold- ing its annual Delta'Gm a Nite ýclub at the LIake Shore SAthletiéc club7 in Chicago, Fri- day evening, April 2. At that timie abrilliant, floor .show will S~be presented by talented mnem-., b~ 1ers of Delta Gammta.. Miss Caroline Pope,.' selected Northwestern'5 most beautiful girl ii) the recent Northwesterni Charity bal Big Ten Beauty Queen 'contest, wl be on the program. As usual, the fa- mous Delta Gamma chorus of beau- tif ul gir4g will hold, the starring. posi- tion on the program. Among the, spe- ciaity acts will' be the weli-known Delta Gamma trio; Miss Jean Amins, taMfôit Photo t a le n te d ffreshm&R who xecenliy Miss Nona Beii>zighovei chair- danced ini the successful Northwest- mila Of the Delta Gamm»a' Nie clu4b ern Waa-Mu show; Miss Dorothy ait annuial event sponsored by the Simpson, singer of popular songs, and Northw(lesterii. u>iversity chapter Miss Jean Stocks, clever acrobatic Friday evenilig, April 2, atthe iLaIke dancer. Shore Athletic: club in Chica go. Delta Gamma alumnae of the north Taieiited meni bers of the sorority shore are working to make this ninth will stage a floor show diirieig the annual presentation' of Nite club the cvei»g, which is plapined as a Most successful of ail. Last year's '-'*i. L*. '..~gala affair had ini attendànce more a, to )ach,' The Mary Crane league has set the de date for its 'Ruinmage sale to he held in Evanston on Thursday and Friday April 22 and 23. un'til 10 at night. On Friday theý e Announce Honor for d îPianist et Sunday Tee - Mrs. George W. McConneil, 746 ni Rosewood avenue, Winnetka, gave a 'tea in honor of the pianist, MNilton, Treshansky, and his pupil, Eddy Ep- nsteini, after the late' piano recital eat the Coirnm»ity House Sunday Circle. Luncheon The Central circle of the Congre- gational church will meet for lunch- eon toniorrow with mrs. W. A. Shellman, M8 Forest aven)ue, Evans- April17,iM of Wilmette. ore the d rth club ainng a group of :ails in their, home -dlance at the Ken-, ,ay evening. Costume Party Miss Cara Maas, 2041 Tbornwood avenue, will entertain sixteen or eigh- tenguests at a costume prty at ber home, Saturday, evening. I i i