Painting, Dcc-oratiing CARPENTERING, P LAÀàST E RING, S rootlng, new front and rear porches;' garages, attlc flats; alterattons of. ail kinds. O die Construction Co. 16089., rtsin Arrnltage 6272 i 5Â-LTN46-3tP Carpenter and Builder. New and Repairingt Garages, Porches, Screens, Cabinet work, Roofing, Brick work, Cernent work, Plasterlnig. 35 years experlence. Estimates, furnished., F. J. HACiCER, 17M HIGHLAND) AVE. .WILME'TTE,,ILL. PHONE 1176 15A-LTN47-4tP- JOSEPH KNEIP CJ0ME1NT AND MASON CONTRACTOR Speclalllng --- Waterproofirig Basemiexit 1714 Washlngtofl Ave. Wilmette 2161. and up. Týhe Sun Shade Ci a-10 Carlton, Court OPTOMETRI T 86 yru. experlence. Eyes iltted properlY. Broken lenses replacedt rames repaired. 0JOSEPH F.XKUSS sôt Bln St..WlnnetkO 361 Elm St.17A-LTN85-tfe CLEANING WINDOWS WASHED WE, CLEAN WINDOWS, WALLS, ceilings, stores, offices, residences. Geai- eral Window Cleanlng Co. Gre. 2252. 19L46-ltp CARPETS AND FURITURU CLEANING SPECIAI -'NOW 25% /c)REDUCTION - 19A-LTlN,47-ltp 'iruU CAN GET ALL KI2NDS 0F ýNETIAN cleaning but the best is none too good -Scfor your rugs. VIlE CHÂTEAU FOR NEW CARPET L419 Sherman Ave., Evans. Gre. 6262 pany 19A-LTN46-4tp tke. 1171. TX46-4tp CLOCK mEPARN GiARDENINQ BLACK DIRT* FERTILZER SEED PEET MOSS lEverything for the garden. LANDSCAPINGWINNETA 456., 27LTN47-9tP1 MC KÂY NURSER~Y COMPANY The Houae of Çqood,_Nursery Stock For advike on correèt'plàtliig CX1V ALFRED LINNIG,> WINNgTKA 3690 HIome Landscape Service Expert 27LTN44-4tp FOOD PRODUCTS M-O-R-R-I-S-O-N-'S VICE )d shop. CON I NzG ablished 18 Years on Northn h L. J. THALMNANN COMPLETEMANNNC SERVICE LAWNS A SPECIALTY Melviii Sko-hnik W l 31 42LTrN47-ltP CL.CALC., $2 UP 1 oom PAPERED, $5,; RM. W A L L Iaper cleaned, $1; we do any kind .Épdecorating, very rçsonablY. Kitceheii painted, e7 ýup; bathroomn enamneled, $6, up. Aisé, outside painting, very reason- able. Well recommended. LOUIS, WINN.ý 258. 42LTN47-Itu W.E. ERICKSEN PAINTING AND XINTERIOR DECOR- ating'.,1224 Waihin.gtofl Ave.-WiI- mette 2751.1 42LTN45-4tp FRED I. BROBERG. COMPLETE PAINTING- t>EDCORATING. SERVICE OId. floors made like new with electrical dustiess machine. 1429 Liant - Briargaté 1061. 42LTN45-tfC K. L. DRKOOP Painting and Decorating SHELDRAKE 5132 North Shore Wrk a Speclalty 42LTN47-ltiD PANTN -APJERHANGIN Expert lin new stlppllng effects. QUALITY WORK ONLY A. Renschin University 2804 42LTN46-4tp PAINTIN(, PAPERHANGING' AND DECORATING WÔRK DONE reasonably, interior and exterior. ,om~ Wosser Pl. Wilrnette 1879 421,'IN47-ltp PIANO TUNING PIANO TUNING AND REPAIRIN 16LTN47-ltp1 'I new flower beds, -trim- ming your trees and shrubs,. and brightening up g enerally with painting and decorating. Each- of the -services listed here can easily and inexpen- sively bring a breath of Spring to the Winter-logged home. I t 4j I Éa orating Esta