Safety of Shippingi -Yachtiing, Jeopardized If Coast Guard Boats Are Blocked Unless public: or. private aid is f orthicoming within six rnonths, Wil- mette harbor, even as a base for the activities of the local creW of the United States. Coast ýGuard, wiI be useless. That was the disclosurethiis week. made after a study of the situation by officiais of a number of interesteji groups. So fast and hard has -the sand, driven by the'winter'ys northeasterly storms, washed in, against' the entrance to the harbor, that froin tlie,duth, exteniling o T&-- f-t least 300 feet, there is one continuous area -of shoal water over which boats with drafts greater than 2'2 feet cannot pass. Blocks Entrac The bar blocks the entrance or exit of pleasure craft larger, than the "snipe" class and makes the barbor unusable even for the "star" type Stephenl avenuoe, Wi Mhe conceri Glec club,h api outstanu polit an O Forest 1 sing i Relief Costs Down; Plan to Cut Dole Tax TeNew Trier Town board Tues- day evening conducted the annual audit of the. accounts of Supervisor Mrs. ýGertrude M. Thurston andý treasurer, of the road and- bridge f.ind, preéparatory to the annual Towný mpeetinig of :New* trier townlshipt which will- be* held. at the, township offices in the Winnetka Village hall, Tuesday, April 6, at,.2 o'clock p. m. In reviewing, the; work of the relief organization, it was that durigit-s inie -on*hs' ýon it bas spent only $24,000, han one-haif the estimated re for this period, and on 1it was said, it is felt that instead of one and one-half Le sufficient for the levy for g year and which will be the annual Town meeting Wilmettet , National' A w a r d, Winner, Findsa Worthy Coin. petitors. in Neighbor Villages The National Safety Council stated this week that seven, north shore Cities. and - villages with comùbined Population of '118,'141 "appeared" well' on their way to a traffic safety record i'unrivaled anywhere else in the na-, tion." The council based its opinion upon appraisal ýof 1936 reports subrnitted to itby Evanston, Wilrnette, Kenil- wnrth, Winnetka, Glencoe, Highland Park, and Lake Forest. These reports showed three of the towns- Wilmette, Wiîmetka an~d Kenlwrt-ýssd 93 without a single traffic accident fatality; traffic killed f our in Lake Forest, one ini Giencoe, three in Highland Park, and five in Evanston, which is larger by 8,000 than the cornbined population of the other six. The total-13 deaths-were produced by 462 ac- cidents that caused either death or injury and set the death rate for this touch bottom. The motor lu e boat, a larger craf t with,.a 36-foot length and a three- foot draft already must be dragged through the sand before it cati float in the fairway beyond. Teîî to 15 miinute.s of time mnust be consumed ini this latter operation that -wouid be unnecessary were even a small channel dredged. Mrs. Sherman Aldrich, 1160 OpUaI I)e£ e'Ii W. H. Cameron, 1022 avenue, J4ubbard Woods, was nomi-banconhdof$1,2.4 nue, Evanston,> managin nated tliis week for menibership on Tax Watrrants the council, said: "h the board of education of New Trier In addition- to the foregoing there try and several , foreigi Township High school, to succeed is also $25,O00 in anticipation war- corne to look upon tf Mrs. Edward Farwell of Winnetka, rants for money loaned to the Town- section of the United' who recently announced that she ship relief organization. of the most authoritati'ý would not be a candidate for re-elec- Expense of operating the Town- oi practical accident r in Wilmette Saturd 'her parents,. Mr. 4A.I.Zimmerman of 1 Mrs.. Edmrard1yte Sixth street. byth ýSt to th, revolvit >ian' ClE~ub of wiette. pension (Continued on Page 10) ani ave- .ctor -of e coin- s -have mediate as one watories