And onaccounto u fiiec t pro- motes, WC are. able tô ofer our patrons .the use of this beautiful esabliàsbmentit fhout any addition to ourz moderate charges. LADY ASSISTANT DB LUXE AMBULANCE SERVICE 30 YEARS ON THE NORTH SHORE MORTICIAN ."The Houai of Persoirol SerVice' WILMBETTE 1118 GREENLEAF- AVENUE' Phone WiImette 654 WiNNBETKA 554 CENTER STREET, Phone Winnetka- 40 Neptune Recording Meters stand guard when Braun Bros. deliver oil! With tht. accuraey of a ga soline pump, these meters PRINT the gallonage delivered on your, receipt. No chance for inistake3. You -et fuit heat value the year 'round. "for fuel 812 Oak Street, Winnetka use oit", Phones Wilmctte 831 Phoes1Winnetka 3901