schéol gym. S Bolb bas been Soùtmaster for .27 years and bas Jxad many years' expe- rience as a physicai educatiof iteach- er and play'director. This w Ill be open to ail Scout leaders and, cub- masters and their assistants. On Saturday and Sunday, May 8 and 9, at Camp, Evanbosco,ý three courses .will be presented: elemenits of scoutniastership for new men -in- Scouting .and for those who haven't had previous Scout training; prinici- pies of scoutmastership for more ex- peined leaders and Camp-O-Ree, tehiue for scoutmasters:ànd others who desire to pick up some valuable information on Camp-O-Ree equip-. ment and patrol and, troop hike nma- terial and programs. Ail of, these courses are clesigned to ,ning award. Ka-Ja-Wan for ng plannled for The plan is to ýrnoon, May 14, , ay 16. There, of the new is now ready aders throughi upply depart- [ew handbook, ,>resented col- lers that has * Sprisg'oia h. ir-now's the urne o bWild your sw,~house-buta5Iother wintris aocfar away - plan today LOGA N-HO Announcement is moade of a bakery sale Saturday, April 10, at Van Dcii-' sen grocery store, 1154 Centrai ave- nue. Proceeds wiIl be given to the student-aid fund of the Logan-How- ard Parent -Teacher association. Mrs. Lowell F. TOdd, finance chairman, is. ini charge of this sale. Questionnadire The, Logatn - Howard Parent-, Teacher association iii an endeavor to stimulate interest and give its meni- bers an opportunity to express their. oD)inions circulated a form of ques- you recelve yoUùrs'ý There are thref conies in the office of the Hlowardl school and the following is a copy of the questionnaire: Prograimfl Tynes, of prograrn most Pnjoyèd: ranis. P. T. A. 3ook revtewq. tiidy grouns: Tinie nrefprred-morni ng, afternoon or evening. .Wbat tyne do you prefer? Parent-educatlon: 1-Pre-adole.cent. 4 co-hostesqes at W'ILL for stucly