..Asi made. to IFTHERE WERE no such thing as, the «V' and you started out to invmt a -»d ropo1atin aystenwouldn't it b your- own ,lordýer WO ULDN'T 1T DE QUICKER EVEN THAN- THE! FANES tNEW YORK SUBWAY? ~ eUaaCêe trina on4he £Chkcazn2anid OUT9 'Jr"I is on Iperate of the tg and4 Ten of. the 2K2 years spenit by Mr. Braun in the postal service, was in the office of postmaster in Winnetka,. Associated with, himn, as assistant: postmaster for theý same length of- time, is J. Fred Schumacher, who, on:. behaif of his fellow -employes, pre-ý sented, Mr.. Brauna. beautiful gold watch. 13raun Rç4gn At the Apffl meeting of the Post- masters' association of -Northeastern Illinois, held at Waukegan,, Mionday, 1evèning,- Mr. Braun tendered his resignation as president, and upon bis retirement was voteci an honorary ife e mnber of, the association, and presented a desk set. The presenta- tion was miade by' Postmaster Joe Daly, of Waukegan. Postmaster William Lyonof. Niles, Center, former vice-president, was elected to the presidency to sucçeed Mr. Braun, and Postmaster. DeCour- cy Lloyd, of Glencoe, was elected vice-president. Postmaster .K oepfer, of Winnetka and Postmaster Lucas, of Lake For- est, were wvelcomed as new members of the association. The M'aukegan meeting, attended 00 train. orpa that gVlicalgoo th be4V - dmand p-e higtwy faciities- pubc mfty inth, AND iprovides its own st single factçr for Children's School Plans Guest Days for Parents Thie annual guest days of the Chil- dren's school of the National Cohlege- of Education, Evanston, will be held, on April 13 and 14, it is announced by Miss Ellen A.rrold and James Griggs, instructors. who are arrang- tir s