WOIIICU, LJrJUJILr 165 V fL"- - ter your hobby in the largest, Most înteresting hobby show ever planned" for Winmette. The Wilmette Recreation board announces plans for this.great event to be staged at the Communitv: cen- ter.. llb It ilb interesting to leurti thtý leisure timne activities of the eope i -Wilmette and- fascinating, to hear each exhibitor. tell about hi.s exhibit. ýAl -hobbies entered will corne utnder. one of these S'ix main tities. Graphic arts-, plas tic arts,. crafte, woodwork. models and collections. TWIp Staup Collectors A "tiP" t you stamp cllector': here is your chance to dieplay your ,.rare" and interesting stamnp exhibit and to do some welI worth whîle trading. If ail the stan4i coletofr in Wilmette will enter their exhibits no matter how small, we are sure to have one grand "get-together." A paragraph with the word 'kniit" is certainly bound to catch the feinii- nine eye; so corne on, you proud knit- ters,. here is your opportunity to dis .play the 'ýmany" articles we have seen you working on under the -hair - ilthi aious bQ eautv Darlors] The Howard gym: was packed to capacity' for the -demonstration bv .the pupils of the fif th ýand sixth* grades last week and for demonstration. by the seventh and eighth grade puis last 'ruesda3-. The, Cerîtralý fifth grade girls, presented, a 1folk dance. Sellingers Round," and theI-oward fifth grade girls,, a mnuet. ,The chul- dren .p1resented ,the dances, beautifully and',the parents wer e grea tly pléased. Theý flag drill bv the Central 'sixth grade %vas executed in almost- fault- less, Style and received a big, hand from the, crowd as did the* Tap Dance presented by the Howardsi.xth gradé girls. Relaya WinPlaudits, Th'Ie Badminiton Bird relays by the Hfoward seventh grade boys and thé Rok4ing Chair rela-y kythe Stoip seventh grade girls brouglit a bu rst of appiause f roni the crowd. The frst part of the prograrns included novelty drills, relays, Marching. drills. -tunit narching which was mweII pre- .enited -and showed the re.sult of a lot of liard work and train.ing on the part oi the childreil and entire physical training staff of the N'Vihniette schools. T'le second hall of the progranrý wvere devoted..to ifldividual athletic 'A" LEAGUI. Playing what should. have been the last.gaine of the1 seaso.n the. Suburban Shores banged through in the second hall to administer 'the only defeat of. the vear to the Vilmtte .confection ery. -This rather compliCateS .:htngs., necessîtating a play-off to- decide the winner of the second 'round in. the league. ýS hould the S. S. A. C. win the play-off ýgaine, thie two,, teanis -would ihave to plav a third gaine to, decide the ,winiier for the season. The Coniectiflers we re undisputed [winners of the first round. of the cur- Te-ani W. Burns 3gey........ The Uknows pushed the Danes, out of a tie for first pt beating 1thleni 20 to 17 in, the gýrOunId and Recreation '.C") baîl league. This leaves ju 2 .7141 3.500, 7.000 Grate lace by ,e Play- Basket- ust the f.or .the 13, -will be thec irst ot ils kifl to n held in Wilmnette." The public is invited to watch tliis tournamnent sponsored, by the Play- ground and Recreation, board. Many fast and-interestiflg matches ilbe played; ,The majoéri ty, of players,' be Wilmette residents, as the tourfley is prima'rily a "homne" affair. A few out-of-tOwfl entrants Who participatedin the Badminton classes atthe Howard gym last.year or this season ivili. exhibit their technique. womnen's doubles, men's singles and men's, doubles.ý The prizes off ered -to the winners and second'place Will be gold and silver medals., The women'5 trophies will be gold and sil'ver pinsý upon which are engraved a likencs' of a badminton shulw1ock., For some fascinatiiig entertainnient don't miss the badminton tourncy at the Howard gym April 12 and 13 ini the evening. Admission will be free. Ping Pong Tournament to Be 1IeId April 13 The Ping Pong tournarnent for Variety @ofIHobbies Iltli b askewlULian Some of the most intere>tii ndgms betweenthSopan -w- -original" hobbies are expected to b)e ard bovs and girls. displayed by the children. A f e of Fin~i For Year the varlous hobbies of the children The seventh and eighth grade dlem- are collecting perfurne botties, stamps, onstration wvas the last of the three snakes, waxed leaves, beadwork, soap demonstrations given bv the Physical mnodeli;ng, leather work, woodcarving, Training departinent of the public clay modeling, basketry, crayon work, schools. Daniel M. Davis, director of indian tort and collectiflg pictures loi recreation and supervisor of the Ac'4iirtmet. waas- the Leats started ocic aan well On top. TEAX STANDINGS Teamn W.I Uknow - G rate D a , > n s - S willes............. .. .. Mý\aple Leafs......... 2 Esquire......... 2 Wacker A. C,.......... .. . EftgIes..........* N. T. Ponchos....... L. Pýct; 1. .75 1 .750 2 .500 2 ;0 3 .250 3 .250 4 . 0 r) there is roorn for more tontestants. If you have not filcd in your entry blank, cali at the Comniunity Center or the Recreation office, 914 Central avenue, now. Invite. ies April 15 I tnay do so uy rgitein a u reation office or on the grouf day of the contest.ý c i ments were servcd and the ti e d far too fast for those who .1 ~ j I