. e s LABOS. TINDSB * m&V MmuIvu AfiC FANOV PMS -n.a PRT PAN ýM 'à*. -u ONT PuASa t-m -* NVUPUA s........... ,0 e * e .. e ton, were awarded fbrst prize for the Interior ôf a Garden House, also a grand prize. Do',see this at the show and see bow: wel planined it 'is for effective ýwork,.,The many, other iex-* hibits are most* interesting and you'II like very much to- study tbeir arrange- mnents. A pleasant and instructive meeting was had with the Woman's club March 31. The SylvanDu'o, presented in the afternoon by the Garden club, was a most deligbtful part of the progrem- An arrangement of flow- ers throuoeh the ,cirurv *of Urs. i New .1i riCI LnI5 scL.iU, aaUiJ flbug51 ter, ýBettyr, will travel néxt week to Washington and vicinity with the group of students from the scbool.%In Wasb- ington, tbey will visit-Mr. Biesemneier's brother, Lieutenant-Commiande r Harold Bieseniier of the United States Navy, attacbed to the office of the judge ad- vocate tegeneral, and bis son.- Harold, Jr.,,fmidshipmatn at the United States Naval academy at Annapolis. Lieuten- ant-Commander Besemneier is soon to bc pronioted to commander and bis brother plans to attend the ceremnonv., e e e * e .~ e * g e im iaoàsT 6th andib. 1115 ~ 7th cutslb 0, f ejl PORTERHOUSE OR CLUB %STEAK lb.37e FANO y Iuna~wiis * 3W87o * a Ut Rie 3~fl87e * 31213 e. 270s1 aiI.,3T.