* be confined only to the castie and the isla*id on which it is built, but will turn the entire région for miles around into* one huge pageant, grouid.. The large lake around the castie Will be atirei with hundrèds of sailboats, motorboats,,canoes, and a whole navy flotilla, and at iiight the lake scene Will take on extra brilliance, flood- lighited .by spécial illumination. Three crack régiments in full dress regalia and witi their complete military bands will be quartered ini the adjacent countryside.., An amphitheatré is to seat 40,000 and an open air- restaurant] "Ilserve2000 Gripsholm Castle is c»ely asso- ciated with Gustavus- Vasa, the libera-* -. tor of his. country f romn foreign yoke and the founder of the Swedish state royal family and high state dignitaries,1 will arrive, amid historic royal -fanfare Of trumipets, a procession of. horse gùards, stiýrrng strains of military and national music, and colorful cos- tumnes and uniforms. 'Theý King.w l. tiien declare the festivities. opened. and Gustavus Vasa and the history- steeped old castle will, -be- honored jn speech, music, and -drama. Kenilworth Couple Home Prom Motor Tour in West Mr. and Mrs. Charles L. Bull of 612 Warwick road returned to Kenilworth the end -of Iast month from a three nonths' trip to California. They shiDDped their car west and took manir Cornpletinig a 7,000-mile "cruise&' with his Pierce-Arrow Tiravelodge,, Voyageur II, Charles A. Kirneçy,-di- rector of, Adventure Island boys camp, reached Winnetka Monday. afternoon. Skipper Kinnèy "Ieft Winnetka Christmas Day, going direct- to Fair- and convenience for the trailer Popu- lation.lý In. somfe of these camps, not- ably in Mi4ami and Sarasota, hbun- dretis» of trailers would be .parked, ad- joining, forming. communities, many familles 'remlaining in-one locatiOn a month or more. From Miami Kinney. followed the Tamniami Trail across the evergiacles. 'eans in time for the six d irdi Gras, and later for the nt due to the flood and the ty of Old Man River pushin Ys of Adventure Is :cte- years ago. ossi- 1 Next fal E Eon nîs cruise from nd to the Gulf three Kinnt as to' club tea Irs, col open1