couny. Mr. Windes, who was sernous!y in- Jured inana automobile accident sev- cmI weeks ago, is stil! confined~ to bis home, and much to bis regret waIs uaable to attend the. celebration coin- memoratiug the fourth anniversary of the Civiian Conservation Corps, as observed at Camp Skokie Valley. The 200> guests who attended the dinner last Friday, were also con- ducted on a tour of the camp, ond conveyed to the Skokie Lagoons State Park project, but owing to inclement weather tbe contemplated di-ive through the finished portion of the park was abandoned. On Sunday, when the Camp held ooen bouse. 2M00 visitors were re- Lehie Photo The O,îilmelte c<rnncilKaights of Colum bus bowling league, shown as5 thyrested for a noment betu'ec games at the Bleser aile ys, Wiliptett e. The-y ill leoveon Saturdoy aiterizoottfrotn the La Salle street de pot, -Ch icago,. for the great K. of C. tournarne'st j» Toledo. Arrange Sport Classic Schedule woMaoePvgmm -More ThriJMng land bail 1Callê'd Will Be Interesting;1 indulged in nor witnessed a contest of uPlayers- "'St'ort the "four-wall" style, can have no accurate conception of the combined Woo4y Wilson speed, strategy, and power which the somne because they Trinity Lutherafl churchs Glencoe. Edwin Kuecker,,, district president will cail the first session, to order at 2:-30 o'clock on- Saturday and will de - liver the president's address on the' topic, "Youth, Leading Youth." Prof. O.P. Kretzn'ann, secretary of the international organization, will ad- dress the -,Cînvention at this session.. The, Fellowship ba nquet wvill be held at 7 o'clock on Saturday evening in the grand ballroom of the hotel. Dr. Adolph -Haentzschel, formier professor of- philosophy at, the. Uni- versity of Wisconsin, and presen t prof essor of religion and.philosophy at Valparaiso. university will. de- liver the key-note address. Principal topic of the Sunday after- tnnsesion.& will be the Unito:» e Youth Endeavor movetuent. The afternoon 'co nv e n tion service, at which the Rev. Oscar Fedder will be the speaker, will conduct the con- vention. The Walther league plays an active part in the program of the Lutheran church of the Missouri Synod and aids in sponsoring the Lutheran Hour, a coast to coast radio broad- ound and Rec- et the Evans- iboxers ini a the Boltwood Iast Wednes- mation. ýra-n1ural basicetball wilI or Swhich will have its time 5 PIh211l free-throwing will be and