SemilPorcelIohm. Lovely domestic -semi- porcelain set, specially purchased for this great 3 day sale!i It's a regu-, lar $t2.95 vailue for onl1y $8.881 73..pjege Set IMPORTED CHINA wift 1,2Cut CrystaI Iuublrs $22-.88 .e$2 Dw riew pat- 2imported 4, STEMWARE0, 6 for $1 Choce of goblets,; auoér champagnes, or footed tum- blers. Reguar 11.76 value!j euit New Pammfry Sheif DINNER SÈRVICIS Gay and modern - a set to brighten your breakfast or luncheon table 1~ Get a set now at these sale prices 1 55-piece'set. .Service for 8... .$9.95. 32-Piece set. . Service for 6 ..$.495 2.-plece set. .Servlc.e for 4...... .$2,40 Addiuional Pieces Available ùe Open Stock 53-Pi.ce Set Service for 8 Ichos. orflm Reg.$M IV Plai Lotus pst- t4Yn.. ncludes luncheon plates, f rui1t .saucers, bread and but- ters. cups .and consstfa fiv* gsm jmr on tray IUg Sf1 - covorel ov~lu~ -&PRIL Op, 1937 8 i