-PoMis Will Be Open Prom Noon Utitil 7 'P. m.; OnlyOn Ticket on> Ballots lIeetions for mienibers -of the boards oî education. of the p)ublic schools ii New T'1rier township will be lield on Satirday afternoon. PolIs, a re to. e Open froîi iloon ultil 7 o'clock in, the A'sîigle ticket, lias becu ntonunai.teed iii, caci district by' local civicorgani- izatioiis.or conlînittees andno opposi- tion naines will appear on the ba4llots. *Residents of the Mihnette- public school district will vote at the gymn- jnasiiipi of, the B3yron C. ~StoIp schooeh 718 Tenth street. Candidates wîll be H-enry J. Brandt, 816 Forest avenue, for- a mie year terni as president oi the board of education, and Randolph \V. \cCatndlisli, 1530 Washîington ave- mie, and Harry B. join.stoi,, 1320 Greeniwood avenue, for menibers of the board of education for ternis of thre years. Vote at Sears S'cjool e'. George D). Allison, ,ninister fil t/e 'ilinette 'Baptist c/z irch, was Jtotored Mfonday of titis zveek by iectjwt as president' of the C'hi- cagYo Baptist Con jeretice, ant organ= t«wtOf abolit cightyl-fiz'e ilis- tcrs-nceting Monday miornings at bers of thie Wilmette board --of- edu- cation was paid this week by the holdover miembers in a statenenit issued forpublication., The. tbree re- tiring members. are .H enry Cutler, ('rin lanson, anid :Frederic ,k Lind; The statement follows: "Inasmuch, as. Mr. Henry Cutler, président of the board of education, and- M-r., Glen lanson, 1and Mr.. Fred- erick Lind,, members, are comipletingý their terisý and do flot wish to be considered. as candlidates for,.reý- election, the remaining menibers of the board wish to «express their ap- preciktion for the faitbful services of these memibers. "Mr.:larison bas served a terrn of four years. Mr. Lind bas served for. eight years. Mr. 'Cutl ' r. h3s served. for tliree and one-haif years as a member of the board and for eight years as president. He bas beeni president of the'board during tbei years, when because of the depres-1 sion, the finaxicing of the schools bas been especially difficuit. The gratify- ing financial condition of the 'schools toda-y is largely due to.bis guidance. Legal Services Committeesýat -WorLon Pans for Dinner Raily; Açthritis. in Sichools Plans are going forward rapidly for the officiai COMMunity recognition of Wilmette's outstaniding achieve- lIient ini winning the 1936 National Safety Award in 'a contest among comimunities -iii the 10,000. to ý25,000 Population classifi cation, as announced recently by the National Safety coun- cil. Arrangemenits for the eerain ilaugurated by the Chamber of Comn- merce, contemplate a dinner rally Monday evening, April 26, at the -ShawneeCê utryclu atwhîh àô 350 citizens will pay tribute to Wil- mette's police departinent, and at the same time do bonor to outgoing and inconitpz Village officiais, the dinner being beld shortly after the Village election. Naines CMMttee Several Poinited to nap- edby botsford road. 'Fhe noniinees arc John Nuveen, Jr., 520 Warwick road, for a three-vear term as president (if the board of education. and, for niem- bers Mrs. George W. Vaught. 505 Ridge road, and Thonipson M. WVake-. ley, 220 Woodstock avenue. l'lite terrn of the president of the Board of education differs ini tbe two communities by reason of the fact Kenilwortb operates under a state law of Page'a>try, ;;,,sic and oratory aI Orchestra hall, Tuesday evening, Mlay 11. Publie Sehools Wi il Recess for Vacation Public s( wbich ý. u. 1 e -v. H.uggins. Llh 'Wilmette may well be proud of willdirect preparations1 the men and women who have served nerj eorge Scherzer an, and are serving on tbe board of edu- B.B c ewil bave cbarý cation. In a day wben so niany are tiesfor the school childi, seeking political preferment for their Oter committees will own advancement, the .disinterested appointed within a few <ý social service tbat bas been rendered ing to Chairman Anders< by tbese people is outstanding and is Activiti.s For ChlI ve ry mucb appreciated by tbe patrons Aumnio h . Youngberg, ry Fowler. es wiil be au kêe DCS I Lakt BHinit -noon, ,A r thé Mrs. Il bave been days, accord -