thîs end in view, each season, contests aen for the purpose of choosing those to be sponsored in concert work. Sucli a wealth of talent was displayed in the. contests conducted on Mardi 10, that'it wasde cided two instead of one concert should be given, the first in the spring and the second in the fall. In this way four young musicians will receive the benefit of apublic appearance. The successful contestants arce-Jenska Slebos, cellist, and Vernoic Stearfis, pianist, schéduled for a concert, May 17, and Louise Hoe, soprano, and Milton Treshansky, panist, who will be presented in a concert to be held early in October. Twelve members of the guild. gave 1* thoughtful attention to the 21 younig People who played in the contests. f The board members sat from 2 until 6:;30 o'clock, carefully considering the merits of each candidate. The committeé regrettèd ttlt minny who displayed marked, ability were neces- sarily among the .unsuccessful ones, but the board issued the statement that, "it is boped these contestants will not consider theniselves totally disregarded; rather that they will be matenial for presentation another, season." Serving on the committee in charge of the contests were: Marjorie Sher- the meeting of tne N orth Jfore mrr Irak;-1-. evening, April 16, at Winnetka Community House. During the pagtyear Mr. Nichoirs was invited to exhibit at the Texas Centennial exposition in D allas; th1le First, Annuai txhibition of.,American. Arists at ]Rockefeller centier, N. Y. ; the Second Annual Exhibition of Artists West of the Missis- sippi at the Colorado Springs Fine Arts center; the Suimmer exhibition of the Chicago' Art Insti- tute; the Ail-Illinois Society exhibition at Wash- ington, D..C., and the exhibition at the Dayto,.n Art Institute.. Ri chard Çzerwonky, the distinguished Ameri- can y 1iolinist, composer and conductor, who is be-7 ing' presented at 8:15 O'clÔck Friday, April 16, by the Lambda Chi Alpha club at the chapter house on the Northwesterfl campus, bas been filling many engagements this season. -From Octo>ber,*when he opened bis season with à joint recital with Mertinelli in Winnipeg, Can- a da, to last week whenbe conducted the first per- formance. of his new :Symphofly No.- I1 witb the Illinois Symphony orchestra, be has been busy .with many concerts andrecitals. On the radio, too, Mr. CzerwonkCy bas. won fame, having just recent'ly completed a thirteen week engagement over, the Columbia Broadcast- ing system for the Illinois, Central Railroad,.in whicb lie was featured as Svioliïnist and coiiductor. His current-successes echo to the ~Vsplendid recognition lie won, in Ber- lin six years ago, when, in the, triple rôle of violinist, composer and conduc- tor, lie Was givýen many ovations in bis appearancées with the Berlin- Sym- phony orchestra. As~ violinist, he ha won prie for the beauty of bis tone and brilliant technique. As composer lielias wnit- ten many works for orchestra, a violin concerto, the new Synihny, and many songs. Hi s skill with the baton bas brougbit im the Ihighcest ~4. praise. Mrs. Albert Ackermiann of Wil- mette is president of Lambda Chii Alpha club. Mrs. Guy Pelton is the nublitv chairman; Mrs. F. J. DeSale esius, and chairmnan. Lake-VÏew Socuiety to Meet Nlonday, Aprul 12 Spring Plotg by Dale Nichols Mrs.Zîpf to Entertain N. S . Hrs. Kmdd Presents Two Lecture- Recutais Mrs. Elizabeth Ayres Kidd will give a lecture- i..ollT ye- Annleton Wis., on took part in club. y and -T LeFru by the Cordon Symphonic U v'.. ........-- - B ra hms .Handel tder Wind" ......... Bach crie Day, soprano ... .. . ch mann Lret Hammolld, piano evening, early It. rl1 14. M a songs. t, ;ý