Monroe Munson, 230 Tend, Street, WilmeUte, ai well known authority, on t.rienýtal rugs, will gitt'c an illutratcd lecture on "The Storyý of the Oriential Prayer Rug" uader the auspices o f the Senior, Luther league a t. ol clurch, Ma Pie avenue and Grecnwmood bodevard, livanston, Sunday afternoon, ipril.11, ai 6 o'clock. Mr. Munson will show world famous niuisewn pieesin ot ocromWe 4Mitues~ covering the countries of Persia, Tur- key, India, China, and the Turcomn districts. Gala Mexican Fete 1at Beaux Art Salon in Senor Don Rodolfo Barragan, by known as the. 'Prince of Mexican th Tenors" who is now a resident at ci ol'WtA tudy rrogram The following courses are included the commercial -schedule as offered the WPA educational program, BULLING eut We dispense eye coomftt-not Wei*l eveglassm es.Te rconcerai of tU . Pen topticians lu the MnrCeSoe and the workinen twho maire yu g1asses~, le to have them n op1;tlqculy Md »lsvlentlfically rlht to have thein sup- ply- faithfuuly and fully, ail titat le needed to bring your vision up to Dat. taipower and usefines&,. CtOts imd sap of Ienses and sultable style of frame, foliow as a tuatter of cour- and Our glasses cost no nmretlan eluewhere. Aimer Coe &Compau y 0O 1 CI1AN 8 108 NORTH WABASH LVI * 78 EAST JACKONW DL" 18 80. LASALLE ST * 11643OaiIl4TSN L. V EAI4STON Senor Guillermo Palou, -fôren ost Mexican concert violinist, now also of Chicago. Hon. and Mrs. Antonio L. Schmidt, Consul 'of Mexico and bis wife and MrF rancesca Falk Miller,. presi-. d4ent of the Northern Illinois Branch of the NationalazuTi oei fAmeru-2t *rues-8:30 .Nkhols' Scho Wed.-7 :Oi Wed.-8 :30< Thiurs.-*3 'Thurs- 7- Thurs.-98 o A Aecountlng 3:30 P. M.-Int. neapolis and 1 spent a forti FIVE L N smali sonLDavid, Heie' in. Florida thja. I T s I e e A