The Mary Crane A~ue whose purpse: is ta aid, in what- eyer way it can, the- Mary Crane Nursery school-at. Huil Hbuse, isaticipating its annual bene- fitcard party and f ashion show Wednesday, May 5, at 1 o'clock, at. Shawnee Country club. The general comrittee for the event is atinounced this be- Mrs. Vandervoort ýGathany, chair- man; -Mrs. Harold Cunliff,coha- man. Mrs. Cuniff, chairman of the t ick-"ý et committee, with Mrs. John Gard- nçr, co-chairman, has as assistants worling wîth hti, Mts. Robert J. Fellingham and' Mrs. William Moter of the Nina Kenagy chapter; Mrs. William Haddad. and Mrs. J. L. Reichert of the Jane Addams chap- ter; Mrs, H. R. Taecker and Mrs.. William,*Kinney of the Kenilworth group; Mrs. Edward E~. Ruggles and Mrs. Howard Kerr of the Myra Lane group; Mrs. E. Glaeser and Mrs. MirhaenM TiLrhp <of (lhéClara Bell Town Hlouse Studios Mrs. Marvin» Harms j:s general chairmnan of the Wilmette center of the Infant Welf are .rociéty of, Chitaogo, which isvgivinq a "Fortune bal'" Saturday evening, April 24, at the Drake hotel. Mrs. Harrns is pic tured as s/w poured at the tea given.Wednesday of la« uweek for the cominît'tec meinbers by Mrs. Martin Kresge ipt her neiv home at 1118 Mohawk road. Mrs. Knight Blanctard also assisted at t/w tea table. Because. the Community Chest campaign "went over.thetop,' one of its, dep endent ýorganiza- tions, the,.Wilmette center of the Infant -Welfare so.ciety of Chicago,. is ý giving a diriner- dance.-Saturday evening,'Apiril 24, tocelebrate the receipt, of its f uli quota of financial support. In calling the party the "Fortune bail, those ini charge are expressing appreciation for the contributions of Wilniette citizens, ýand are stressing the fact that it is a purely social affair, to be held in the grand bal-ý roomn of the Drake hotel. In keeping with the "fortunie" thenie, guests at the bail. may consuit a fortune teller and chfacter reader,- seletebleauise of ber popularity at the Century of Progress exposition. Mrs. Friend R. Eccles, genieral chairman of the Fortune* bail, is giv- ing a tea Saturday in her home at 426 Laurel avenue for the members of the comnlittees. Mrs. Martin Kresge openied ber new homne at 1118 MNohawk road to the same group on XednesdaV afternoon of last week. C] Wini Mr. d Mes. Verne Ben- ge of the sale of wned id m. ;ed serveda he 911 -Grei to sert cot ~Norris is chairman. is hav- gressiveluncheon, an antnual pring, on Tuesday,' April 20. iin luncheon course will be the home of Mrs. J. H. Kiel, iwood avenue, and the des- 'se will have two hostesses, of the numbér. of guests t5eilnie, publici D, Flinn, tricas Tower, telephi Norman 'Altma, -test, social cl- music; Mrs. C Mrs. Fred Pari airman; Mrs. S. Mrs. Lawrence ornitte;Mrs. kets; Mrs. Roy n in charge of. Feldon, games; mner; Mrs. Louis ;. Walter Hilde- ngement. Mrs. rey home w of last week. 1tee "and *'-n> Mrs. John iwet avenue, Glencoe. siste« iy Ambrose Conger Mrs. Ti i