the iicighDorflooq at a meeting of the Kenilworth village council on Monday evening. T'he underpass, which extends froni the wvest side of the village underneatb th,- trac.ks of' the two railroads and Green Bay road- to the playgrouind of the' Joseph Sears school is now under con- struction hy, the county highway de- partnxent. Under the county's plans Cumnor road ini front of the school will be permanent- ly. vacated. It bas for miany yea rs been blocked off in that same area. during sdiool Jiours. Express Fers Residents expressed the fear that their property, values would be damnaged, that fire hazards would increase, that the ne%, moi-e would inconvenience thein, and that the iiew ~undepass would. be an 'eyesore7 Spokesman for the vil- lage board was Trustee Henry George Zander, Jr.. and be, with representa- tives for the school and park boards and with H. Deale' Denson, 615 Cumi- nor road, spokesman for the protest- ing citizens, were commissioned by Vil- lage President Harry P. Harrison to consut,t with Major George Quinlati, head of the county highway department, wilI De 5:45 to 6 p. mi. and in the 'V' Terminal business district 5 :15, to 5:30 P. m. Mr. O'Connell announces that this late pickup ,WiM. also include the resi- dential districts; the time for whicb will be posted on the street mail boxes. Ira Rosenberg Speaker at Chamber, Luncheon Ira Rosenberg, 910 Forest avenue WVilmnette, noted authority on depart- ment store mnerchandising, will ad- dress the, luncheon meeting -of the Wil mette. Chamber of Commerce this. nloon (Tbursday) at the: Shawnee Cou1utry club.,,,Mr. Rosenberg's sub- ject will be: "Sales Planning." swimming classes for children on Sat- urdays will not be held next week during the spring vacation at New Trier High schoolf it *as announced, yesterday. by Edgar B. Jackson, di- rector of the school natatorium. Kenilworth Trustees Are Given*Storm Sewer Plans Tentativýe'outlines of severa.l plans for the construction of relief storm sewers in Kenilworth.were submitted on 'Monday, nigbt to the board of trustées by' Greeley and Hanson, Chi-, cago engineering firm. The. plans weIre referred te commùittees of .trustees for study. Survey Shows Impossibifity of Reducing Ridge Ro-ad Traffie Study Indicates Highway Little Used as Through Route lr,10 dropping f rom 5,100 at Craw- Iý dn< aveniwue teailvunil t her- up* polis Tuesday. The. voting was light, as* is usùally the case when rÉeguýlarly nominated candidates, chosen for fitness and on a stictly non-political hasts, are Op- posed only by a partial ticket of ini- dependent candidates. The resuit is looked 4lpon as another victory for the Citizens league, wbich since 1912 bas spons.ored good township goverfi- ment in wbat bas been termed a practical way by demanding that can- didates for office be of high calibre and qualified to handle public affairs in an acceptable manner. . ý: . Four 11-dop eubuts Lw E.ntering the lists against the reg- ular Citizeïisticket were four inde- pendents, who ?apparently had no or- ganization backing. Two of these, Howard S. Parker of Kenilworth, an ,incniben,,ad*,ene"mWard, Wt mette, aspired te the office of justice of the peace. William T. MacMillan of Hubbard Woods, a former Wil- mette. resident, sought the office of highway commissioner, and Albert Snyder of Gleflcoe was a candidate ýciai re- of the the improvement, which 15 planined to asj eliituinate the bazardous school cross- of wbich Rober, ings at Kenilworth, Melrose, andWn street, Winnetka netka avenues, and to abolish the Wins- following a recer ent practice of the school children ini Te rortth, hopping the fences bounding the rail- oenlyt, iu roads and crossing Green Bay road in use olbt ini the mniddle of the blck. Evanston there ________________commercial area HarryP. H rrisn Iste about'one-fou Harry P Harri. The ~heavi 1 f2or re mlette ai a nuî, and titial orth .of Less, than 20 of the trucks of avy typé te whjch residents t, the report emphasized, cc ve been routed so as te avoid imette, Gross Point, Kenilwol hian Hill, Winnetka, Hubb ods, and Glencoe shopping d ts. r~vr, Trustee-Warren J. of the Peace-James 5 ;.David E. Elmgren, ickey, 2171; George F. Ralph E. Sinsheinier, . ruaiu lt