John E. Platz Photo .4t a tea Satifrdayv,at the home Of lier, sister, Mliss Franices Fullerton ý(1of. Wiînnetka, the engagemient- of .1!iss Faye Ftilertoni, daiu.q lter of JIr. and Mrs. Frmnk Alexander Fullerton of Tuscola, Ill., to chqrles Julles M1iclu'let, Jr.. son of MIr. and MrIs. Charles Jules Michelet' of It'lif-t' 7 as a<nzoi.ced. Arfisf fa Give Nexf Program 1Mrs. Kath2 "Art As an ing of the N on Ainril 13. a+ Negchbors arine Lord .will talk on Avocation," at the Ileet- ýeighbors of Kenilworth at 2:30 o'clock in thei Miss Fullerton spent last year i Honolulu and at present is on the faculty of Milwaukee Downer semi- nary. She is a member, of Delta Gamuma sorority at Northwesterrî. u.iîversity. Mr. Michelet is a likutenatit ini the United Statesý Naval reserve and bas been. active in the Reserve ,O0ficers club and. American Legion since the waàr. He is a Sigma Chi at North- western .university and now a con- suit ing engineer with offices in Chi- cago.- INNERSPRING. M*ATTRESS 9-73-- .7 vie~ OpprRAUCHIS .SLUMUAew- SNlP. "The Mattre .ss Store" Uni. 2M2 1521 Sherpan Ave., Evanston. 1 blk.. S. Fountain Sq. 1Y Marries in' Moy 't o f [ l