11 iii Liliaoi Lyons has, bee>a elécted presidepnt of Delta Zela sorority at, Nor-thwcësit'rnii<niizersity. 1 ss* ios is11wdauhter ofJMýr.. anid JM s N. A. Lydüs of 2201 Made Prsident ofQ Delta Zeta, Sorority Alpha Alpha chapter of Delta Zeta sororîty at Nortbwestern university hceld its annual election of oficers last week and made Miss Lilian4@ Lyoïïs 'of* Wihfiêtte president for the coming year. Miss Lyons is a junior and for the past 3'ear fias been tlhe rushing chairnian. Miss 'Marion Koepke of Chicago was, elected 'vice-presiclent; -Miss Dorothy $chultz of Rogers Park treas.urer, and Miss, Ferni Lyon of Crt Lakes, secretary.- Other appointnients for next yearM are as follows: Miss Joannia Mahiares of Joliet, III., rushing chairman; Miss Mary, Louise McCarty of Chicago, (historian editor;, Miss Grace VTan- Idrasek of, Evanston, publicity chair- inan, and Miss Florence Crowell of 1-*vaiiston. social chiairnian. I)enison alunnac living in the Chii cago area are having their -annual spring rusliing tea for prospective girl stitdents, Satrday, April 10, at the Palmer }*ouse. Ain 'girls wlio are - r~ ~~i itrse :.Dnison unwversity and ~ ~ Would like b attenid the tea are : - - - -t. - asked to cati Miss jean Forre st of Z 485 Willow 'vad,s Winnettca.. Comple LANDSCAPE And hey're asWable Depoopmnt nd ain"««#You SpingandSumrer ardobewil bea suces ifit ncldes eveal f tesever Épeia *ntspriedat 39 l telvelyne &4,c has. . . chery, ÇMv4ol 0 aronSppýlmSizes 12o 20 .,v Eirs -'Consultïon WM. WEERS & CO. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ IVANSTON WIZINETA 1 cm a w S I T 627 Grove Strbet 15 6V*snterStre tVA 8N T 0UI. 9t1L1 10 0 1 Creenlef 4040 Winnetka 2450