42LUdn Ave., WiIun.t$ Phoam WUmft 44o4 S. S. Normandie, lune 30-KRet. S. S. Paris, Aug., 20. England, France, Italvi, Switterland, Germany and Bçlgium entiiely hy deuxe motorcoah--the OAIY WaY to emjoy and see Eirope. -Unusuil itiner. ary. Ail expenée conducted-touùr. 5 a ~6.Write or phone for folder. F elt Hats MNade to order to match your new ýspring costume ite newest spring colors such as: carnelin, harnesu, b e ige, thistie, etc. k If you see a crime commnitted- If you sce a suspicious character loitering about your home ýor 'that of a, neiî If Y( hours o police a answer that is r( The mportant. are your protectors-give them a chance and thus- Worthe~a's Mvrs. Martha Me< reviewed Kipling: id read sonie of li iîd MIrs. William ýker U ttî proaching marriage of Miss Ruth 'se autbiog Elizabeth Goehren, daughter. 0f Mrs. hi.s pocmns. Laura Goehren of .1117 Greenleaf - avenue, Wilmette, to Eugene Fred- erick Sch d, son of Mr. and ;rs F. Horstiiîg George Schad of Chicago, Saturday are return- eveniîngiApril ,10, ate 6 .o'clock. at Mr. ai f 1103.