a man he heçlped send to prison. Other *t 'btrs of -the cast, ail] of whomn arè capable, aid ini providi.ig the' ligbt, romnantic- elemnent ini this comedy drama. The ýPlough and the Stars. RKO- Radio -picture, directed bv John F-ord,, witb Barbara Stanwyck. Preston Foster, Una O'Connor, and.-the Abbey Players.'Teàtro del.Lago, April 12_ 13. .On an Easter Suniday,the sYmho0liçý flag of the Irish rebels is raised and, the filmi gives a grimi insighit into thé passionate love of.counitry and (lesire for freedom from, oppression for which ,they fought. The inisery and *squalor of the Dublin slumhs is..strik- ingly portrayed. Womnan's part iii *war is svmipatlîeticaliy illustrated in Barbara Stanwyck's interpretation of Nora. Clitleroe. *~ The Soldier aund the L ady. RKO p icture wvith Anton Walbrook, Eliza- l)eth Allen, Margot Graliame, Akîmi Tamniroif. Varsity theater, April 14, 15. Taken froin the farnous adventure play by jules Verne, "Mjlchael Strog- off," which was intensel ' popular, mith its fierce battie, rnurder. and suld- *den death. this eNtravaganet photo- arrsi no ausin lo Ivett ifloneC ol 111 models. Rallier th4in be a hinderance to.,him, as she is afraid sh e might be, she offers to give him up. Follôws, however, a. happy ending.. Ypu Only Live Once.- Walter \Van- ger picture. directed byFritz.Lanig, whth Sylvia Sidney, Henrv Fonda, Barton MacLane, Willia*m Gargan. Varsity theater, April,12, 13.- The difficultv a convict excperiences in going straight after bis. delit to society has been paid, is.the theme of this -tragedy., There are -tense dra- matic scenes, splndid. characteriza- tions, and outstanding photograpby.- >1.Not since "Street ;Scene" bas Miss $idnley been given1 a part in which she bias been able to dIo so mucb, and Heilry Fonda, as the cvniicâl and be- wiideredd ±hird offender wlioeatteiip to go straighit at long last are frus-ý trated by the, veryv fact thiat lie lia-, l)eeli in prison, is ilispired., McCrea Physician for Seventh Time For thie severah tinie in bis motion pictuirc career. Joci McCrea is, playing the role of physician, hie revealed in con- nlection with blis par~t ini "Internes Cain't April 9 and 10--Z"GoId 1937,",.for A and young A -gers Wilmnette Theater April 9and> 14-"Rainbow -on. the River," for F. _April1 il and 12-"Black Legion,". for. A. April 13 and 14-"Reémbrandt," for A 'and Young A. April, 15, 16, 17-"Moe Than, a Sec- retarv,". for A and young 9.A. Teatro del Lago. April 9,.10, 1 1-"Green, Ligbt," for A, and young A. April 12 a nd 13-"ýTbhe Plougli and tbe Stars," for A. April 14 and 1 5-"iSing Me a Love Sotng." -tor- F NEW MYSTERY The :cast of Paramount's next de- tective ilbriller, "A Nigbt of Mystery," was set by 'William LeBaron, managing director of production, and includes Grant Richards of the ,New York stage, Roscoe Karns, Helen Burgess, Eliza- b)eth Patterson, Harvey Stephens, Ruth Coleman, Colin Tapley and Purnel Pr-att. Errol Flynn, Anita Louis. Feature Starts Fr1. 7:45, 9:50 Feature Starts Sat., Sun., 2, 4, j Mon., T1ues., April 12-13 ""PLOIJGH A» TM STARS" Barbara StanwycE Feature Starts 7:50, 9 :50 Wed, Thurs., April. 14-15 Janel young arniy captaîn, is cllos.en wo a a inesage to the grand duke. Three Snmart Girls. Uiver.sal Pic- turc, dîrected by Henry Koster. with Deanna Durbin,' Nan G'rey. Barbara Reed, Alice Brady, and Rav Millard.. Valencia theater, April 15, 1M. Higll* recormcended as a most humati story witb a keeln insiglit into motves an a vnrnpatlietic undcer- fessiosn came Nveun e appeared 1L ionel Iarynîore ini "One3 ,Joulruley." Again, lie wvas a strug young practioneer witb Miriam kins and Merle Oberonî in Tbiree." He lias also appearcd in sucb wibShirley Temple. Kay Franc: "Girls Abo ut Town," and witbh with rïck and j ohnuratterson. in tne îeaamng U a n's roles, the studio announced. >gting Hop- ..DECORATOR rbhese Frances Fariner, soori to be seen in 'Tbings Began To Happen," is cou- roles sculting witb interior decorators on tbe is, in. selection of colors and furnisbings for Irene bier, bedrooni which she is having re- Aduits 30c