Deadine or Isertons-Classifled advertisements willI be ao- eePted Up to Tuesday. 9 P. M. for WILMETTE LIFE or, ail three papers; Wednesday 9 P. M. -for M.INNETKÂ TALK. and, Thursday 5 P. M. for GLENCOE NEWS. Telephones: Wllmette 4300, Winneti<a 2000 (Winnetka .500 after >6. P.ý M.), Greenleaf 4300 or Sheidrake 1216-1217. LOST AND FOUNu __ LOST: MALE- WIRE-HAIIRE> TýER- rier, white. Answers to naine of M.%ike., Large grey spot on side; tan ears,, on** claw. missing on front, foot. Reward. Mrs. D. Nelson. Gleneoe 1.1.95. LOST - BLACK SUEDE PURSE 2MONIgY, DIAMOND PIN, ETC. VERY. LIBERAL REWARD. CALL GLENCOE 330. 3TN 48-ite FOUND: TRICYCLE Near 16th Street and Central Wtlmnette 3243. I.ÔST -WHITE GOLD B LLOVA wrist watch, wit-h Iink bracelet prob- :tbly. in Elin Street shopping district oni Mrh24. Please cail Winn. 267.1 or Eoin. 55!ý5.- 3L48-Ilp Lost - 2 femnale airdales. Probably traveling together. New coijars. Winn. I.'e.Names Nil) and JudN. Rewarcd. Phoine Winn. 2558 or Franlklin 5267. 0 ,3LTN48-1ti* Y .r.YrYTI1~'~PE:Tr* 3fTNI-ltc INSTRUCTION TI'TORING - B. A.. HARVARD) (hlghest honore) graduate work in Oxford, Berlin, Columbia. Exp. tutor ,f German, Latin, Engiish. Uni. 1818 hetween 6-7. 30LTN47-4t1) \*IOLIN TEACHER SOLOIST, FOR- rnerly from New York State, now living in WiI. wishes pupils. Teaching done in own homie If desired. Wllmette PETS DACHSHUND Very easonable. 1 year old. CALL WILMETTE 3073 44LTN48-ltp_ 2, COCKER PUPS, 7 WEEKS OLD; black, maie. Pedigreed;, beet blood line. Home raised. Inoculated. Wili seli oniy to good home.: Wonderful for children. $35, 'Ph. Winnetka 1657. 44L4-ltp AIREDALE, FEMALE, 15 MOS. OLiD, pedigreed, likes children, good watcýh dog, house broken, reasonable. Cail Wil. 4572 Friday after. 7 p.m., 44LTN48-îtc iWKÂU(NG APikkÏIL FOR SALE BLACK FOX SCARF, SILVER MARKINGS.. Perfect cond. $40. WNinnetka 1474. 59LTN48-ltp s( ai BROWN AND TAN CHECKERED ai COAT, LIKE NEW. SIZE 12. $5.00. t WINNETKA 1247. rf 59L18-Itp T 59B-LTN48-ltc $$$ OLD CLOTHE S $$$ We need 500 suits this week. WIlI pay j best prices. WHIi eau, or bring them to2 Martin's Clothing Store 742 Custer, Evanston University 2220 59B-LTN4O-tfc 'WANTED Boy Scout Uniforn's Al1 sloepn. new troop belng organized. 68LTN4-ltp W H I T E, EXP. LAUNDRESS. DO ldr. a t 'home. No chemnicals used. Ail work done carefully, outside drying. Best N. S.ref. Caîl and delivýer. Glen- coe 555.. 68L4$-Itp EXPERIENCED :0 E R M A N GkIRL, middle .agedi, general hswk., sm. family ,adulte. No laundry. Near Cathoillocburch. P4ione Wil. 1222.> LEAVING T OW N*;ý ANXIOUS TO place competent colored cook. Also general boiusework. Cail1 Universlty 5861. 68LTN48-lte COOKING CARE OF' CHILDREN EVE- nings-orpart time. Excellent mnaid with referenoes.-Phone Wilmetteý 4039w 68LTýN48-ltp SITUATION WANTCD-MALEC Gardening und A RELIABLE HOUSEMAN, CHIAUFFEUR' NORTH SHORE REFERENCES, DAVIS 1147 69LTN48-ltp GARDEN fori 818 ELM A 3328 915-tfc DOM ESTIC HELP Positions open for. maids, cooks, couples., Best Wages. SHAY XAGENCIES 936 N. Michigan 14 W. Washington Superior 6608 Central 9800 7 1LT1448-ltc HAVE' POSITION FOR 2 WOMEN- ONE TO 0OOKe WÂSH, DO SOME HisEWK.;- OTHIER CARE FOR CHIL- DREN', MEND, SERVE, ASSIST WITH HOUSEWORI<. PERFECT SITUATION FOR MOTHER AND DAUGHTER OVER 18. WILMNETTE 3896. i1LTN48-ltp DOMESTýIC -PEOPLE Many openings' for Maids and couples at 421 PAULINE'S 41Fouirth St. .634 Davis St. Wilmette 2171 Davis 7777 -GIRL, WflITE, 18-25, 2114 MAID' h work and care of snall child hal days- Must be Olean, etnergetie. Hom -nigpits. H. Wds. transp. Winnetka 268e 7ILTN48-1t (-CAPABLP. DIETICIAN g9. I I 1663 68LTN48-ltp 4Mc fowl Fine1 netka ND Vin- -ltp 251 '