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Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 8 Apr 1937, p. 88

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generai nbousewonI<. smaii jiouse and famlly. ApplY In! person. 844 Sunset Rd., Winnetka, II., 1LTN48ltc WHITE MAHD FOR GENERAL1 HOUSEWORK. RF'ERENCES. WIL- METTE 2129. 71LTN48-ltp HgLp WANTED-MAL9 ÂTHLETE, EXP. WITH I CILDREN,, for summer work. Ability to instruet, tennis desirable. One with car pre-, ferred. Worthwhlle salary for one quali- lied. Room and board If desired. Phone Wl. .1068 for appointment. 72LTN448-ltc COMPETIENT HOUSE & OUTSIDE, MAN. BEST REFERENCES. GOOD WAGES. WINNETKA 172. 72LTN48-2tp HELP WTrD.-MALg AND FENALE' ENGLISH- COUPLE, EXC. COOKS, butler,, for fal»qof 2. Have iaundr@e and outside man. Salary $Î50. Central Employment Agency Call Winnetka 3613 73LTN48-1te WHITE COUPLE FOR FAMILY 0F 3. Must have somne exp. and references. WiII pay Up to $100 depending upon your ability and exp. W'il. 1949. 73LTN48-ltp UED CAR UAUOAIt4U ïYSLER %/ TON PANEL. aulie brakes, good tires. N ei kted. Excellent miechanical condil ing at a p'rice equivàleflt to of tires and paint alone.... ' Wilmette Chevrolet 611 Green Bay Road Ph. WiI. 4414, (lre. 1718 77A-LTN4ý IJARANTEED CARI 1- 1-4 1J.V.LJ" .uZ 1.11i J. . DELUXE 4 DOOR SEDAN. ORIGINAL> beautiful dark bine finish. Heater. Low nilleage. $495. AERO MOTORS 721 (ireen Bay Rd. Wilmiette 1201 77ALTN48-lte 1931-1% TON F~ORD TRUCK, panel or dump body., A-1 condition. Reasonable. P4ione Wilmette 4181, 77A-LTN48-1tpý FOR SALE: 1931 FORD DELUXE roadster, 6 wire wheels, rumble seat.. Good condition. Reasonabie. Call North- brook 121.1 77A-L48-ltp INTERNATIONAL TRUCK FOR SALE., 3 yard box in A number 1 shapé. Cuara'nteed like new. Phone Wilmette 2776. 77A-LTN48-ltp, FOR RENT-ROOMB FURNIHED ROOM Tw~in beds. Near transportation. WILMETTE 623 82LT>;48-Ilp FOR RENT -. LARGE, COMFORT- able roomn with private bathi. Suitable for 2. Nice neighbodrhood near trans- portation. Phone Wilmette 3850- 82LTN48-ltp) ATTRACTIVE ROOM. PRIVATE home. 2 blocks to "L" an F.ur-nished Sleeping Rootii FOR 1 OR 2 GENTLEMEN. 2 BLOCE. te froin station. Phione W%ýlinnetka2108 EMPLOYED WOMAN I-E RO .and board for self and 3,S yr. old.,ohild ln homne where child inay.be cared for during.day. MIiImette 3491. LN4lP FOR RENT-APAlffMENT& Because lits Diff erent THE TENAINTS REMAIN JN I this attractive building year after year- They enjoy the ciever arrangemients'of Its larg i roor» apartme.nts - with al' the features the discriminatingà tenant expects- and because the location là close to alil trans- portation., shopping, Èschools and Davis'St. Just one left for $75 so hurry. if you want 'a pleas- ant surprise. *HElL &HEI11 OPEN EVENINGS AND) SUNDAYS 1322 Chicago Ave. DAVis e1819 92LTr;48-lte CUT DOWTIN LIVING COSTS BY RENTING. THIS EVANS- ton 4 bedrooni, 2 bath fil'st floor apartrnent. White wood.work. -c.ross f romn park. Private 40- foot side yard. 2 blocks froru M4iller achool., A bargain at $115.00 per month. EREDERICK A. COOPER 1505 Chicago Avenue Greenleaf 3030 Sheldrake 3030 refrigeration. Kroll & Smiith, Agents 424 Linden Ave. Wilmnette 500 92=T48-ltc THE YORKSHIRE--ý 2201-220)9 RIDGE à,VFNuE 4, 5 and 6 roorns, the latteri with 2 baths; 1 nl .u5Iy, flFJl ai ýmn ,. - a..ns- tl 2 AND :' ROOM HEATED APAIRT.. ments at 1937 Wilriette Ave. Cali any Uinie.after Fridày 6 P. M. Wilmnette 4978. 92LTN48-ltp. AN ArtlTRACTÈIVE 3 ROOM AND tATH heated apartment. Garage. Adults only., Télephone. Wilmette 320.3. 92LTN48-Itp MiODERN 2 . AND 4 ROOM APTS. LIV. nm., sun, poh., kitchen, brkfst. nook, tueé bath with showcr.. Close to tranmp. A.C. Wolff, Wil. 1724. 92LTN4-ltp, FLAT: 4, LARGE ýLIGIHT'ROOM8.> 'Close to transportation and stores. Suitable. for small family. 410 Prairie Ave.. Wilnîiette. 92LTN48-ltp 4 ,RM. APT., H.W. HT., REFRIG., GAS stove, 2nd fi. seép. entrance $60. Phone Ekelmanin, Glencoe 420 'for appointmnent. 9ILT48-4tp let FLOoR1 APT. ý5 RO OMS, PORCH and garage. Hot air heat. Located Lak- Ave. , Wilmette. Phone owner, Fo-R RENT-FuRNisHzD ApTe. Newiy dec. Innerspring niattresses. Gas, light, heat, and elec; refrlg. free. 2 blocks trom ail schools, ail transp. Nice big yard. $5.3 a month. Phone Wilmette rent furnished apt. oi 10 te iMay 1. Phone pr. 601 LAKE,, AVENUE, Wlf- Mette. 4 bedroonis, 2 baths. Il. M'. heat. Two-car garage. Redevorated inside and outside. Avai.iabie now. Near beachi. Wil make one to three-year bease. The ijest 6 room house in Wil- mette. Fine location near lake. Unusually , large roomns. Sun roo. 01 eat. Beautiful dec- orations. Two large tile baths. Built 1w an architect for own home. 84LTN48-1tltc G3 G'en . Ba Ialow. 5 large rom ' IWater, heat. Close to sch $70. Cal Wilmette 500. porch. trans. jarge, i.igtit. ana airyý rooms tite .. all

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