THE B ILLS REALTY, 1h11c. 5i9DaisSt., Evanston creenleaf 1166 Wilmette 37!40 W71,TN48-ltec 10 ns,3 bs., HW H, 2 c g......225 12 vn. bs., HWH-, 2 c. g...210 9 rins., 3%, bs.. 2 pchsj., HWH.185 7 ms, 3 Ibs., 2 htd. pchs., 2 c. g. . 150 7rinis., 2% bs., HWO, 2 c. g........- - 125 6rins., 2 bs., HWO,.sun. rm'., 2 c. g.- 110 6 vms.,11/2 bS., HWH, slp. pc. . 100 8 rms., 2 bs., HWO, 1 c. g......100 7 ni.,I bs., IHWO, 2 c. g.....85 6 r is.t., HAH, 2 c. ig.,. sunl pcb. 70 ; rni.s, 1 .,HWH ...............55 5 rnis., 4oh, tve bet,1 c. g..,......35 4 rms.i;, 1 b., stove heat,. 1 é. g ...... Other goodivalues,;, alsizes, unfurnished adfurnished. Summer or longer term., Reai ,'lue-vacant aýnd lmnprovcýd. B. 1H. 1B'ARNE,ýT 74N p,ýlnî St. Winnetka 965 97ETN49-1tb- POSSE SSION NAY 1 S'T HIBBARD WVOODS - 3 bedris. (,.trag('. iod neilhboriiood. ý90.00. INDIAN HILL4 SECTION ";- Brick. 4 bedrmis., 2 baths. Extra lav. Garàge. H. '%. oil heat. $115.00. Si~KECOVNTRY CLUB SECTION-- Brick. 4 bedrnis., 2 batbs. Sun room. Lav. lst. H. W. oil heat. $ 135.00. 421 ichmond iCoad Kenilworth e5288 97LTN4q-i tC BANNOCKBURN fOVELY COUX!TRY HOMEý WITH 4 m-aster bedrooms,2bta servant's rooms and bath;; hot water cli heat; 2 oa r garage;. on acre of ground. School. oriu biock. $100 per month. :ROBIERT L. WYATT, Recei ver Phone GlenvleW 81 9 7LTN48-ltc 5 ROOMýf SPANISH BUNGALOW IN North E vanston $70. 7 room home, 2 bathg, garage, $60. 8 rocms, beautiful. brieck, 2 baths, near lake, $150. TÉIGHE REALTYý 52-4tli Street Wiimette 910 97LTN18-1tc F[U,,BBARD WOODS. '7 ROOMS,9 2; bâths, poirces, gioh, large yard, frigi- daire anid stove lnciuded, *111 ajso rent, rurnishied. Phone Winnetka 269. HOWME l STREETW'P 1ANTYTii. * 'ittati;'e 6rcom r13oom 1.ath, *~~garage, -ifter business biours. Sec. MCGUIRE & ORR, Inc. Over 43 Years of Dependable Service 530 Davis St., Evans. Gre. 1080, Wll. 228 FOR SALE-HODUSE FRÂME & STUCCO COLONIAL Located ln N. E. Wllmette on a 60-ft. lot. Close to transporta- tion, lake and sehools. Large rooms, 5 bedrms., 2% baths, ~2-car gar. Appolntment giadly made. $18,000.00. Buys: SHOWN BY APPT. ANY TIMJf WH1EN THE "SOLD" SIGN 18 PUT UP on 2225 Thornwood, whhl you be ,one-et the disa1bponted ones.? We,- doubt If ever againÙ a new 6 room, 2% bath .home In this location will be avallable at only $13,500. Act 328 OAKC CIRCLE: 7 rooms 2 bath8; large living room and dining room just decorated'; convenlent to schools and transportation. Owner leavlng clty wa.nts qulck sale. W. ~c 'Laughlln, Winnetka 2700, Briar- gate 1855. KENILWORTH (]EAST) REAL BU Y: 9 RMS., 3S'BATHS,, heated suni room and sleeping orch' 4 fireplaces.; excellent- cond;1tion! thoroughly lnsulated; grounds, 75x 175. Price reduced to $15,000 for imniediate sale; If you want,,a, real home, ldeally located, and an out- standing bargaln-ACT NOW. Cali Mr. Clover. A BUY AT $10,500 IN .A 6 RM. HOME -in Kenil4oth -shoo ir34triet and near New Trier HIgh School. Com- Plete W'ith oUl burner, stove, elee- trie refrigeration. Taxes only $120. Wlde lot. with fruait trees and .per~- ernlials. .71 Warwick Rd., Winnetka. Shown by appt. only. Cali Miss Cronk. WINNTKTA Long Distance Movling M711,914 nouse.. WYATT & COONS 1 26 W'aukegan Rd., Gienvlew Phi. 81 98LTN48-ltc NORTH SHORE HO0MES FOR SUM- mer rentais ranging from $150 per mo. up.Froni .Wilnwtte thrôtigh EAST ENILWORTH 125-ft. frontage. Beautitul brick homae - weatherstripped - cop- per dowvnspouts - completely Insuiated. Ten moins, 3'h baths. Att. 2-car gar. One-hait former price. $42,5o*0.O0. 902 Spruce 46tE .a 1267 r4-te '.% T~ iALLU U1T. 1LTN48-1te il