meeting, Tuesday atternoon. It was also the sense of the m eeting that 'plans .should be worked out wbich will speed up the collection of delinquent taxes, on bebaîf of al the taxing bodies of the township. On report of Seymour Il. Olmsted, township relief director,,that the ex- pense of operating this department froni July. 1, 1936, to March 31, 1937, adbeen only $25,281.81, about onle- hall the estimated sutn, it was voted to cut the relief levy from $73,200,, or oueaud One-haif milîs, to $50,OOO, or one. iii. Cancel Lv Hjighway Conimissioner Lloyd C. Ayres reported that the maintenance of the road systeni under his supervi- sion during the past year Was con- ducted at a cost of $3,814.48 and that the rôad-, bridges, pàirkways, etc'., were kept in first-class condition. The $4,000 levy made in 1936, but neyer spread, was cancelled, and a tax Ievy ordinance for a like amount, for 1937, in case it is needed, was passed. Reports of Mrs. Gertrude M. Thur- stoîi, township siupervisor and treas- urer of the road and bridge fund, D e «é 4y mue township,,.. Dental clit Ageneral, discussion of the subject resulted in the adoption of tbree reso- lutions, providing that the township board of health, as officers of the township, be directed to expend out of unappropriated townsbip funds, the sum of $3,000i the maintenance of a dental clinic, as above outlined: $1,500 in the maintenance of a cbest clinic, and $650 in maintenance of a clinic for treatment' of the eyes. of children and others of'«New Trierl township who are niot able, topay for service of this nature. Mr. Burke's participation in Tues- day's meeting was his last officiai act in connection with the township office of justice of the peace, which be bas held, for> the 1aff fourYet. It was with regret that bis associ- ates in the township organization realized that they were not to have a continuation of bis efficient counsel ini future deliberations. Mr. Burke was not a candidate for renomination, feeling, he said, tbat bis growmng law practice, in Chicago, where he maintans -1 is office, re- quires ail his attentio~n. pleted. iater the offces were »loved to Insurance Exchange. United Charities Will Observe 8Othi Birthday The United Charities, Chicago's first organized cbarity, will celebrate its 80th anniversary at a tea at the Palmer House on Friday afternoon, April 16. Mrs. Gordon Lang, 55 In- dian Hill road, Winnetka, is in charge of the meeting. Other Winnetka persons assisting in the event are Ernest S. Ballard, Warren A. Lam- son and Mrs. George Dovenmuehle-. ail of whom are. on' the agency's board of directors. Features of the prograni, which is open to the public. will be an address by President James R. Angeli of Yale university and a da4iùiaibn o1 charitable work ini Chicago froni the early days to the present time. For Strenuaous A ctinty and Com fort SKIT-SUIT Here's cool, comfort and body case you9've neyer had hefore. SiuT.r Suits that look like shirts and -shorts - s0 brief you don't knowý you're wearing theni. And note the' three special, comfort features de- signed by Munsingwear . . . no- gaD buttonlessfly.. v. . elastic lest- In addition to the for is alsci $25,000 ini antic rants for money loaned ship relief organization. Vote to. particil oing there tio, tion war- Wc the townl- rui evo ,ew* Yorkc, and omâments as: "It *1