GLENCOE 610 Madison Ave.- Modern brick, 4 bedroems i. bathe on 2nd fi. Near Skokie Club. Large. mnaster bedroom with fireplace. Wfii listen to any ireasonabie ofier.. Open' for'Iiwpectlen Sun- day 2 to 5:30 P. M. FREDERICK A. COOPER, 1505 Chicago Avé., reenleaf 30e.0 111TN48-1te CiRCtiJMSTANCES ' NECESSI- tate Imîned. sale 7 rm., 2. bath brick Colonial. More light, sun and spaciousness per room than nyhouse its size. in excel. cond. Prîce cut from, $18,500 to $15,000. School. Here is your chance to buy a 7 rin. home with a lovely garden and play yard for your youngsters. 70x170.' Excellent condition throughout. Owner just moved out of town. Price is only $11,500. Key. at our office. Hokanison &' Jenks, Imc. 513 Davis Street Greenleaf 1617 111LTN48-1te LIST WITH, SEARS -on 'Chestnut St., W ilmette NINE ROOM1VS, THREE BATHS, .DEEP lot- Bulit for present owner lui 195 -Best iconistruction - Price reduced,. owner says to accept reasopabie of- fer. C aî1 Mr. Harper-for de- tails. Offered excluslvely by .SHORE.-TOWNS REALTY CORPORATION 160,3 Chicago Avenue, Evanston 4are. 2700- Wii. 608 Rog. Pk. 6 6 36 ATTRACTIV 9 9-ROOM ___ùore, l00-ft. frontae fac-. ing beautiful park. Spaclous lst f., 2 solariums, canvass walls. There are .5 bdrms., sl.pel.,bats. 2 a.,a Close te lake & school. Price TfHE BILLS REALTY, In 529 Davis St., Evanston (reenleaf 116 Wiirnette 37 11lUTN48-1 IF COME s' A WOME O"FliEPRS SOUN~D PROTE, l'c. ý74G 1ltc and $6 3.28 iterest.ý EXCLUSIVE AGENTS Central & Sheridan klighland Park 69 114LTN47-4tp 3BEAUTIFUL RAVINE PROP-, erty overlooklng the lake, fil a choice location surrouflded by fine homes. 125 feet 0f,,front- age Is available for Immediate sale. Price educed fmom $225 te '$125 PER FOOT If you wlsh an excellent set- ting for the new home you are planning, do neot fail te Inves- tigate this property.-. McGUIRE & ORR, Int.; EXCLUSIVE AGENTS Over 43 Years tof Dependabie Service 328 Park Ave. Gleneoe 13 530 Davis St. Greenleaf 1080q 114LTN48-lte **SIGN WITH CUSACK" BELIOW *ACTUAL VALUE " CHOICE CLOSE-IN LOTS, 60x14î0. NO5 specials. $40.00 per ft. South front. 50x197. Improvements lu and paid for ini full. $60 per ft. Take advantage 0of the present low prices. 795 Elni Street Winnetka 715 « 114LTN48-ltc8 trrnsp. BARRINGTON HELENIE LEDERER 260 E. Main Barrlngton 37, $7,500 BUYS 3ý acr~es,. 6 ifiles ,west of Barýrington, beautifully wooded, rolling;, building suitable for remocleling. 10 ACRES, 6&Im .mrngtoh, beaul Smiall lake, qual lieuse, memoderei lnsiated, 011 hi auarfers. Both h, [îLES WEST 0P, BAR- ifully, wooded, rolliUg. uit -Ne* Eugland farm- 2. 2 bedrms., 2- batha. ;:Guest hse., Ige. studio rs., 2 baths, servant's ,ouses have large, Wood- KI'.1 LWORTH~IJ 556 (Oreenwood, Ave. - '1od. Eng. br., 4 bedr., 2 tile b., open terrace, att. *gar., oil. 80 ft. lot. $116,500! * GLEIMCOE Owner-built brick ln A-i condition with slate roof. 4 bedr., 31, b., pcbi., brkfst. rm. 100 ft. wooded lot. Radically e- 'duced. IIGLAND PARK Priced for. qUick sale! 5 bedrrns., 3 b,, beautiful location. Only $16,000! SEARS REAJ4 ISTATE. 421 Richniond Road Kenilworth 5288 Ill ýA O IR 14.o R. M. Johnistoîï & Co. 340 Lindlen Ave. Wilniette 444 111LTN48-ltc BRICK DUTCOR COL. ON LGE. LÉOT.4 4 bdrnis., 2 baths on 2nd fi., sun rin., slp. pch., lav., 2-car gar., auto. lit. Price cuit to $15,000. Cali us for key. Fuiller & Pickard, 407 bindeni, Wil. 487 OrI'STANDING VALUE. E X C E P- tionallV well built home. Lge. liv. *McGUIRE & ORR, Inc. 'Over 43 Years ôf Dependable Service" 432 Deerfild Road Têlephone 112 OPIEN'ALL DAY AND EVERY DAY 114LTN48-1 tc North Shore's. HELEN LEDERER EXCLUSIVE AGENT 250 E. Main Barrington 37 124LËN48-1tp - ý' l. .v. Ia40 LindenJ A' h'I ' ï62 i1LTN- 11026 W Rd.,