WE ARE IN TH z1Arr. % First Mortgaige, bans on North Sh< property. Intereït. 4%% to ý5%. Joseph C. Cormack & Co. 1569 Sherman, Evaànston Uni. 331 llr7A-LTN45-t --im U ALE-IEOUSEHOLD 00006 jIICU,.FT. CPELAND ELEC. R!, f rig.-I alost now Univorsai G S8toye--7-pe. oak breakfast set - chih play pon - Edison- pbonograph, a records -Simmons metal bed comple with springs and hair -mattress - w nut chiffonfler - oak librarY table upholstered bedrooni chair - mali any_ four-poster twin beds complote 'w springs an d hair mattress - one ext aprinira and hair mattress - glider 2 wicker chairs - 1 metal chair'- porch rug - ý2 metal lamps - rugs stair carpet and pads - dlrapes +- b cage - gardon boso, sprinklers and re Ail very reasoriable andlin good co dition. GElencoe 1072.' 12qLTN-48- iTHE ,NEW DINTERNATIONAL E chiffoflierf, $5 ; pa1ited dresser, $5, c sprlngs, $ 4.50-, hair mattross, $4; Ir bed, aprings and mattress, $5;- ve1o davenport and chair, $45 : oaît de $2. Wilmtte .3945. 29LTN4- USED FRIGIDAIES AS LOW AS $40 (1uaranteed one year. V. J. KILLIAN CO. 907 Linden Ave. Winnetka9 129LTN4$-ý .w~ g ý;EE c]Box. Lawnmower, Maid's room furniture. Many other -articles. B. :W. ýFord, 567 Ash, Winnetkca 3826 MAHOG., ROUND TABLE & BUFFET SINGLE BED & MATTRESS Very Reasonabie. Wijinetka 712TN8-t LATE M O E L ELEC RICTO Washer 'and Ironer. Singer ýcabinet scw ngachine, oiectric. late inodel. ('all between 6 & 8 P. M. Will sou vory cheap. Gre. 1749. 129LT48-ltp MOVING; >FOR SALE C111AP, EVERY- thing for the baby. Oas range, frigi- daire, gardon, tools, mason kJars, .Eureka, mnangle,. piano, 2 bicycles., etc. Cali Glencoe .1158. 9L14-t ,rml'ix BEDS 'SPRINGS, I N- N E R spring mattresses, almost new, very reasonable. Sparton cabinet radio, per- fect condition, $10. Winnetka. 3067 or 2848. 129LTN48-ltP) SMALL TATÉLE TOP. OAS NG EXCELLENT CONDITION WINNETJ<A 1783 129LTN48-ltp DINING AND BEDROOM FURNI- ture; rugs; stove; Kelvinator; Sun porch furniture. Washinrg machine anc mangle. 5Z4 fRidge Ave. Wil. 2489i 1291,TN48-ltp GENERAL jELEC. REFRIGIERATOR 7 cuble foot. «ood condition. FORU~~- NEW 14-FT. FOLBOT, COMPLETE 11,l*th double blade- paddle,- singie paddle, spray covers and carrylng case. Foids Into:compact bundie -and can.be put together quickly. Cost $70; sell for $50.* New U. C. Smnith shot gun,, cost $43; olufor $32.,Sb>own evenings,.or Sunday. Phono Wellmotte 4136. 31LTN48-ltp OFFICE DPSKS: ROIL TOP, OAK,> $7.50; roll top walnut, $10; double flat top, $15. ý16 voL ciild training ok by Beery, ý$10. Wantedtoby 1933 Polk's North Shore and Ev anston Di- reetory and Evansto)nlportion of 1905 Polk's Directory. E. E. Schaewe; Uni- versity 8525, 2621 Prairie Ave. 13 1LTN49-ltP FO0R SALE-BARGAIN 4doors for double aae I<ENILWOTH 4373 131LTN4ýý-ltp STORK BABY SCALE Wiimetto 2'17. 131I/TN48-ltp (39-40) ; men's suite, overcoats (41>. Sofa; chairs, stair carpet, furn. dol biouse, crib, bedding. Winn. 1157. 131LTN48-ltp AQUARIUMS, IHEATERS, AND SUP- plies. Good condition. Very reason- able. Cail Dick Buenger, Winnetka 1809. I ,)IT fl"T,,AOR1.+, Minicam-Home Portraiture With the Miniature Camera. Neblette-Photography, Its Principles .and Practice Strong-Photog-aphy for Fun Charles-~C0mmercial Photography The . Wilmnette. Public Libra.ry has received the following new books: Fiction Blake-The Shipbulders Brittain-Honourable Estate Fallada,-Old Heart Goes a-Journeying. Farnol-Pageant.of Victory. .. Foldes-Street of the Fishing Cà-t Hutchisoni-Shiftlng Scabbard Knittl-ýDr. Ibrahimà Lawrence Soufld of Running Féetý Marquand-T he Late George Apley Richter-Sea. of Grass Biôgraphy Waldmian-BokrOphy, of a Famiiy Letters of Mrs. H4enry Adams CheSterton-Au4toblography Freeman-An American Testament GIilman-The Living, of Charlotte Per- kins Gilman RugUafad Nock-Jeffers on Luhan-Movers and Shakers Roeder-Catherine de Medici Morton-A Woman Surgon Haslip-Parneil Buck-Figbting Angel Phllosopby and làBllgion Alpern-Marh f Phiosophy Riggs-Ihtelligent Living Sokman-Moras of Tomorrow *Schweitzer-Indian Thought and Its Developmnent MëKeon-Selections, from Médiéval 2 DOOR, ALL WHITE PORCEI Kelvinator, cap. 9 cu. ft. * 3 w chairs andta.ble - 1 twin bed, spr matt.;. wash. macehine; cabinet se machine:* lawn mower and gardont porch swing. Ken. 4731. 129TN4 X«rthlrTnyT7e PTP r A TA 1Call nroom, and Good box; studio ý29LTN48-ltc J 0, WALNUT porch furni- books,niag,bri-a-bra.,. To;p JroPbY-If Women Must Work rInnetka 1 22. 132 LT48-tipT a e 60e for 100 lbs. Paper. Tae Sfor 100 lbs. magazines. Casson-Progre-ss of Archeology ices for ail booksi rags, etc. Chase-This Engiand ik Dealer Goidman Baricae Bhn h pns Wilmette 5426 Fleming-News From Tartary 132LTN46-4tP Stark-Souther Gates of Arabia Morton-In the Stops of St. Paul :)ealer-Phil Schuman Yeats-Brown--Lancer at Lage i Lalv ubJet LUi human nat~ure a 5 IS, the vealed in the Bible. He. has, writtefl copiously during his enire career. RUGS, enau veraity Dated 'V pSixth daYý ,t : 'Il-, "ItIt