for the annual cookie sale and wili el make the delieries at noon or after -school : ýVednesdàYyApril 21 and1 -May 5., - There is greatecteetan tuerry 'rivalrY affong this busy throng for not pnly do. they waflt to mnake monetary returns for their favorite activity in the'.onie money-makiflg venture -of thfe year, but each Scout and Brownie .wishes to Maketh se;:necessary to atte, he"3 Dozen, Paty," given by thecomt = tee, to those girls. selling as mnany as 30 dôzen cookies. each., Mrs. 'Nlatter Sutherlanld chairman, and'-Mrs. J. W. Sabin, co-czhairman Of. the Scout- finance cornnittee-0 an-ý nounice tixeir.commiittee: Mirs. W. K. kYates, Mrs. R. M. johnstofl, and Eactive Participants at packaging andt helpixtg the Scouts in their deliveries, the members of the troop committees. andl the mothers of the Scouts, who -wi1 have a busy and merry uirne at the Baptist church each morning of If oki e ise.toseteefcn If coine wivey. se h ffcec tand careful attention to detail ini- f911ipl as -~~ the hioeher mathe- Chapin, Mrs. H. J. uernen"', ivs . Charies Ostrotn, and Mrs. B.L. Mit- chell. After the delicious dinner pré- pared as only Mrs. Nyland -can, 'the group listened to -the broadcast of the speeches in New York at the tanni- versary dinner at thé' Biltmore hotel, of Sir Gerald CampbelI, Britàsh,,con- sul-general in New: York and an inti- mate friend. of Lord, Baden-Powell, on "Girl1 Scouting and Girl Guidingý Arounid the WorlId," "Guiding" being the name by which the prograin i! England; IVrs. F. D. Roose- velt .o n "The .Opportunities and Achieve ,ments 'of: the Scouts";- andý the speech of a third distinguished. enthusiast, Mrs. Harper Sidley, chair- man of the women's division of the 1937 Mobilizatioti for Human Needs anid ivieke-1s4ideitf- h atoa PCouncil of Federated Church Women, her sùbject 'being "Hlow Girl Scout- )ing Meets Changing Social .Trends." TROOP 4,PLAY 1 At the Leaders' association dne at Mrs. Reynold's home, Trop' -c led under h he ent at eVery neeting. ,sbk On April 1, Mrs. Denoyer wsbc and those glirIL who are worklng for their first clas badge begani plans for jnapýý-. the rnaldlg Oetiniape beingpart of. the ré,- quirents for tirt class work. Dn on the following ThUrsday 1Mrs. Den- Oyer planxied three hikes wiîth the trOOP.' to be taken ,duriflg gpring Vacation. The. fist Wih i.s maInlY for. the purpose Of. rnaprniakiflg to take place on MýondaY,' April- 12. Another *111 be a. "Harle andý Ho blS" iko.' This means, that One~ party will1 start out first and lay a trail and th e second partY Will follow the trail the first partY bas laid. The third hike w111 be a picnic. EVer "girl who 1i1 goiflg on anY of the thrëe lhikes ileal a great deal, about nature as IS s uua wheflgolri onàascout hike. Ea-àch group is iooklng forward ýto its hike, Whihwl mnean an i.nterest 1Ifg -In 1orniflg out InI the open, Jugt',çhat a Girl, Scout like-. S Most membenl)rs of our troop have âi- ready taken qluite a few orders for the cookie sale on April 2 1, and May 5, and are sure that -the other trtoo:ps are doiflg the same-and so ,the cookie sale m-lll be again a great Jpc-5.-'I1" ackso, scribe. 'rroop .1 Troop 3 had a veryý nice Pot ltick rsupper on March2, tharbUg! andl onions, buns, a nicie jello salad, pie or cake, or botb, and ic'e creaiTi. The - supper was efljoyed by everyofle. wil .the exception of twvo siight casuaities, 0which were due to the_ anburgers. One - . 1 ---- n nnther ifout ou et tenifo th fistmessages Dy signs anc vu nýÎ-i,-t ÇM? -c*gr a if You will be sre for nthe fiand Jean Scheible by signais. These gtil, tgo Capste -uge irso ai next ywil ere Li oaenot etTroop 4 nmembers demonstrated the April 30l. and the older girls oni may 14.' ognn exSt ya Ifg lit, tepoiyet making of -a---ire in the fied for mixed with our fun we again get work, vour order to the Scout office, WVi1- wrt n okn ftese observation-~ for second class, or' "tent mette 3100. that wvas prepared by Mary jean pitcbîing" for first .class. We also hada You should see the pounids, and Watson. Peggy Chapin showed this Major Bowes prograni which .was lots of pounds o f dèiicious fresh butter, the mother (Carolinie) how the Scout fun.-Pat Crgwford, Troop 3 Scribe. pounds and pounds of sugar to say tied up her horse so he could not getHAEDUHE i- wyand how to lash the poles of - VEDAUGTZ ERwWiA Has-e Sunday f rom Ft. La , Mrs. where they sýpent five A. MacLean. ue, returned, derdale, .FIa..- Fov4r't You Let us Hell> Y<H Soiv.e' This Par 1~ 4, , i 9, are LM an in- sch) the