inotof r enîcle accidents.vW. H.. e -Conviincèd that- a maàterial reduc-ý tion in fatalities and injuries on .streets and.-highways mpay beaccom-. plished only* by means of a vigor- ous and continu- ous program by the. divisions of _highwmay of the county rand, state ini Coope ratioin wîth the'.munici- palities and other inter ested ,goýv- 1 ernine nt a1 de- >partmets 'ior, groups, theSub- council was or George Browu ganized the first of the year to make possible~~e h ahievements& The council, at present, is corn- posed of a representative frorn each of the suburban comniunitïes ini Cook county having a population of 5,000 or great er, and representatives of the state and county police departments It represents a community having an aggregate population of 500,000 citi- zens.UniE orm System and i.orm , 1.wes SE' W UAM&4d kM & gerous points wfere accidents occui frequ et President Brown said, *'that an organization of t.his type, coniprised entirely of expericencel nen, together with the full coopera- tion of the State highway depart.- tuent for engineeriiig surveys, should resuit in a definite improvemient iii the accident records of the cotu. Henry *1 miÀýt 1 L S 0 N & - C 0.