$1,527,000.. March. also exceeded March, 1936, $2,733,000, by .almost à mililiondllars-again of 34.percent. suIburb set -Pa Stili another comparison'is. of in- trest-that, between the amount ofý building in March in the' suburban region, $3,666;000, and -the arniount in tfhe city of Chicago itself, $2,119,000- a million and a haîf more, new con-, struction'in the suburbs than in the city. The increase that bas occurred ini suburban building is indicated by the f act that-new construction in the ônie month of Mardi was more tha n the totais for either the-first orthe last six mnonths. of 1932, 1933 anid 1934, ex- çepting the last haif of 1934 which amiounted to $3,948,000. More sub- urban biliding la b.laagwaugura-e ini one month now than in six months, of the years nientioned. Will this rate of building keep up? Fel Ising Cosa The feeling among those' most closely involved, the contractors who build homes of good quality, is that the rising cost of materials is making it impossible for thousands of families to build who would do 50 if costs -New Wali Coveringt Among the household, articles which will- be shown will be new wall coveIr- inigs for 'bathroomrs' and vestibules anid panelboards showing new dsgsin rubber tile. 1Samples of asphaît tule and new styles in inlaid linioleumi for both home and office use Will also i b hwnà. "iHeads' of, families. and housewives will be interested in the uine of stokers for home use," said Mr. MacGill. "On the floor there will be a fuil! size mode!, of both dqmestic and industrial, stoker installations.' For the. Chiudren "Parents of school children ýwill be attracted to the sixteen inch astronoinical , mlrJ~ .A.;ihwll lie how~,~n ni11kers OS scientific school mnaps, globes, charts and tbodelsi' continued Mr. Machil. "And aduits 'as wel as juvéniles wil want to see the anatàmical and bioligical models and specimens which will be on display." A further aid to schoôl children will' be the geographical and historical atiases shown as well as the large, detailed map of the United States. "Thie Straus survey rreenty IUWe( of the tacmt tat inecoveai i that the average cost of the homes Rotary International is to be held at built *In suburban towns last year. was Nice, France, June 6 to Il. almost exactly $9,000. This year it The exposition will occupy approx: is impossible to build a six-room imiately 40,000 square feet of floor space bouse such as the typical Amnerican adwl trc oeta 500vst family wants for $10,000, due almost or ilatatmreta 500vst entirely to thie increased costs of ors materials. A house which ast year National in scope, the show wilh at- cost $9,000 now costs $10,800, and as tract many of the leading manufacturers ,-* -* ý1- - *hrougLirnit the country, Mr. MacGil cent and giass -- - cent. . The average incre cost of a home iricludinE materials is 2() per cent. a serious Obstacle to ho, is not a theoryý-this we 0 Healthy, happy homes, properiy, elliienfly warmed -by Crarne. Baced bY 80 yc*rs of research and maniu- fa<cturinoe experence, Crane forex Jý lý .1 ': --