Have Guest Tea The North Shore- Eriends, Chi- ago, Junior. school, are. vn tea. on Mondayi,, April 19, at 3 o'lcat the, homfe of Mrs. Elùler Jeweil Dick, 1206 ýTower road, Winnetka. * As the group. bas increased its scholarship pledge to the school, the *board of directors feels that it would- be very desirable to enlarge its mcm- bersbip. Iu further anCe, of this' idea, this tea is to be. complimeftary and each member ýis asked to bring-a guest. The North Shore Lyric ensemble wilI give a delightful programn. This ensebleis well known here on the snore rown ýted by ýs . anston wilI again hold a fashion show, for the annual benefit card party the league is having onWednesday, May 5, at Sbawànee Coutntry..club in WiI- mette. Members. of the different. chapters of the leagüe will serve as niodels, for the show. Tbey indcude: Mes. Louis ýScherer, Mrs. Robert Spaeth. Mrsé --William, McNamee, Jr., Mrs. Amnbrose Weschselberger, Mrs. M, F. O'Donovan, Mrs. 'Walter Greli, Mrs. Edward Westlake, Jr., Mrs. Bingbam Van Dyck, Mrs. Henry, Clngman, Mr. L- D.,Mandell,,*Mrs. HW. Schmitz, Mrs.Walter Paul- ison, Mrs. W. P. Ol-men, Mrs. Fred Arser, Mrs. 'Charles Kanute, the Misses Nadine Kininey, Patty Jili- son, Sue Hillis, Virginia Lee, and jane Sturtevant. lMrs. VandèIvoot 'itthany, ~chair- man of the party, promises an inter- esting afternoon with attractive prizes for each table. Carlos Photo wst et n mii- Who is coin- eone of thc On Commitfee for Chi Omeqe Benefit Mris. James G. McMillan of Winnetka is opening-her home at,445 Sheridan road, for a regu- lar. monthly , meeting and tea of 'the Nýorth Shore auxiliary of the' Chicago Maternity center Tues- day, April 20, at 2 .o,'clock. The program for the, afternoon will be the reading, "Victoria Re- gina," by Hope Suimmers Witherell of Wilmette. Mrs. Millard !B.. Keçnnedy, 455 Sheri- dan road, Wintnetlka,, is in charge of, the tea,, assi5ted by Mrs. Benjamin Larrabee and, ber social committee, Reservatiols. for the 'Meeting are. to be made with Mrs. Kennedy. Pouring tea and coffee that, after- nXYU willbe M r. rderik E. Clarke and Mrs. W. Tr. Cresmer of Glencoe and Mrs. Charles C. Carpenter and Mrs. William E;. O'Neil, of Evanston. .The comlnittee to nominate new officers for the center, to give its re- port at the annual luncheon on May 18, at Ewioor Country club, con- sists of Mrs. George Turnbuli, chair- man, and Mrs. Arthur King, Mrs. Axel ljoffgren, Mrs. Ephramn Clark,, . ire- Phlli mith. Mrs. Morris Wil- ýOwell Ilehrl Altimnae Meet Apr. 21I - 1- The .North Shore- Alumnae as atii igler' Mrs. NMaur -s. Lew Sarett. mlu- Mrs. ý'rien, The "Tia Juana Tirade," a party sponsored by the aluxnnae of Alpha Gamma Delta, was given the evening of April .10, at the chapter bouse, 1856 Orrington, avenue, Evanstonm Novel games and entertainment in Cgb lolds open Hous tyCib, of EvanuIon Vriday evening, Apuil 16, 8tS do'lodk. ............ r the1 a >toý mon01,. , niiz1