*Mr.Cozzens, chairman of Our boa rd, was3 so In'pressed by the home that she soon ra.ised $100 In donations in Wil - mette te send to the home. The f 'ather iaid for :one month's care and a near relative another Month, and'for the first *time. In is short pain filled. life, littie Henry founid himself In a real home. "On. October 219 Mrs. Wendelin Seng, 41lake avenue, Wlmette, op'ened her beautiful home. for a benefit for the home at. which $175 was raised. "I1t ts Indeed gratifying te see, the' wonderful Improvement, this IlittIe chap has madle, silice enteriug the home last :April. He has so captivated the hearts 4 f, the people who, have corne In contact with hlm, that recently a group. of club- womfen vlsiting the home fell so In love *wîth hlm that ,they have offered a mionthly donation to the home for bis ça 1re. 1 feel this, littie chap has given m ne much more than I have been able to do for hlm., with bis million dollar sniile and a world of, tolérance towards ýhumanity.1" And now Henry le 9 andhle can walk and- talk and feed hinîseif. It le an e'ffort but 'Henry cheerfu1Iv wmae It.: Launch Drive Hèe.fo Aid the"Soei!.19Ey) T he drive for memberships in The, Seeing Eye was Iaunched recently in Wilmette, with Miss Dorothy Campbell, 1209 Ç;reenwood avenue, heading -a corn- mittée of women who have asgumed> an active interest in.the work of this unique institution dedicated to the restoration of the blind to a life of. usefulness through the eyes of dogs trained to guide thein. The Wilmette committee is one of a number composed of.four hundred Chicagoans and suburban resi- dents who will carry ýthe campaign for members throughout, the city and its close localities, according to Mr. Bar- ~re Wendell,, jr.,, geniral chaima Qof the Chicagro committee. Cfrcle fo Meef The NZeighborhood .circle ofý the First Congregational church will hold a luncheon and sewing mneeting Tues- day, April, 20, at the borne of Mrs. J. M.Brown,, 730 Eleventh itreet., cool.. Are n. . 1 Sken-quite lihe ewI Phone Wi.oee$ho 3000 GOro Rg Cle.amers 903 LindenaAie.. H bb ad W ood$n. B aw WVashable Knits TATM A N T'i - - t'