Men's night, the annual event sporisored by Evaso Friends of the Chicago1 Junior, school to w hich husbands and friends are jnvited, will be held on Satur- day, April 17, at 8 o'clock, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harley L. Clarke, 2603 Sheridan road, Ev- aniston. This ii one of the.evenings of the year to which'this group Iooks for- Ward with the keenest anticipation and greatest pleasure. Dora S. Mc- Gorrisk, a dramatic, reader. and literar interpreter of great ability and charm, will be guest artist of the evening and will present a programn whiçh includes two one-act plays, as well as a number of miscellaneous jçJleç.tionps. Mrs. McGorrisk has been s0 generolis with uer talent anid' has given the Evanston Friends so mucb jo>' in the past, that they are espe- ciali> happy to welcome ber again on April 17. She was graduated from the Lela (1 Powers school in Boston- -and lor several seasons was one of the lead-, ing enteitainers in Redpath Chan- taucina an~d Lyseuni work. M-rs. -Fied , R.,*c4eç of, MLaurel az'eiw,, ( at the yight) and.Mrs., Ilarry Kerr o'4 1007 Lake avenue, (keft) are amionq those who are workiisy for the success of the dinner-dance ta be given by the Wilmnette center of the Infant WeIf are Society of Chicago Saturday evening, ,lpril 24,. in the Grand baliroons of the, Drakee hotl. Mrs, Eccles is gene rai chai rman of the Party, calied the Fortune bail, and Mi';. Kerri j in charpe of af'pointrnents witk the Jortune-teiler. Infant Weifare has >Ianned this Part y as ani appreciative gesture for its share of the fundls donated to the-Comminity Chest by. Wilnietfe citizens. Foulnders' Day Mrs. Williamn S. Boal, 1305 MulfQrd street, Eivanston is ýi charge,.of reservations. for the, AlphaXiDelta Founders' (ay luncheon to. be held S .aturday, April 17, at 1 o'clock ýat, the Piccadilly tea;,roo m in1 the Fitne Arts. building, 410 Soùuth iNchi- ganl avenue, Chicago. Miss, Helen C.- Lee of Evanston. a membher' of the excecutive staff oéf Northwestern university, will talk oni "Fraternities of, the. University. of Tomorrow."ý Miss Lee is an alumna "of North Western. universit>'. ,heNorthwestern universityai t'le Lake Forest college chapters of Alpha Xi Delta will botb take part iii the program. Each chapter grouip wilI sinig an original sororit song, 4comp4o*8d esp..ially for this iound ers' day. Miss Eleànor Colemani, historian for the Northwestern chapter, will read a report of the activities for the chapter for the year. Mrs. William *Golden will sing a group of numbers. Miss Helen Clarke of La Grange. central chairrnan for the Alpha Xi Delta groups ini Chicago and along the nnrth shore. ull the jences." Mrs. McGorrisk bas had the op- portunit>' to appear with various littie theater groups, such as the Louisville Players, the Uptown Play'- ers in Chicago, the Neigbborhood Playhouse in New York, the Omaha ConimWity Playhouse. Sorne of ber sale ii Parish corner nlues. she wot is askeÈ like to donate to the cause, oa: caîl Mrs. C. R. Snmith, at ,1728 Highland avenué, or hi office, Wilmette 2348, andi of JEvafston. Mrs. Shermian B. Orwig of Wil- mette, second vice-regent, will pre- side in the 'absence of Mrs. Charles P. Reynolds, regent, who will be in Washington, D. C., at the Continental Congress. The Alpha Xi Delta national con- vention will be held this year at Old Faithful Inn in Yellowstone Na- tional Park from june 28 to July 3. A delegate to represent the Chicago and North Shore Alumnae groups will be electeci at this meeting. Alpha Xi Delta was founded on April 17, 1893, at Lombard college ini Galesburg, Ill. There are 54 active chapters and, 50 alumnae chapters finE. I