* PaintingDecorating moou, new front and rer porches; * grages, attlc fiat; alterattons 0f ail * Odie Construction Co. ff160 N. Artesian Armitage 622 ISA-LTN46-8tp Carpenter and Builder N<ew m&" Repairlng, Garages, Porches, Mrmawes Cabinet work, Roollng, Brick work, Cemnnt work, Plasterlng. 35 years qgpoeIuce. E teats turnlshed. F. . ACKR,112 HIGHLAND AVE. WIL em:~Tiri PHONE 1174 15A-LTN47-4tp MAS ONCONTRACTOR FIagstone BouIder.s BRICK AND CEMENT WORK H. HART--L, I ÉI;ýE96 15A-LTN4I#-tfc- eUILDER - CONTRACTOR NEW OR REPAIRS Ail brick, stone concrete, stucco, plaster carpentry. Satisfaction guaranteed. John Vidon 1 4QO Washington Wllmette 2033 University 1150 1.A-LTN49-ltp TOS-PTIKNEI~P BUSINESS SERVICt EXPERT REAL ESTATE SERVIiS 49 Years ithe. CommUnlty FRANK PAVLIK, JR. Phone lenlworth 2016 161,7>49-111) OPTOMETRIST a5 ym e xp.rience. JEyes ftted prop.tIy. Broken tenues r.placed, trames repairei. JOSEPH F. KUSS 804 Elm st. Winnetka. 36711 CAPemme AND FURNITURE CLEANiNS SPECIAL NOW' Oriental and lDomeàtie -Itsé Cleaning and Repairtng EVANSTON CARPET CLEANINO Co. L. H. KOSHGARIAN, Mgr. 33 Tears on the North Shore 1913 Church St. Est. 1906 Unit.0277 19A-LTN48-2tp YOU CAN GET ALL KINDS OF clea.ning but the best la none too good FERTIIZE-R - SOIL BEDDING Pl-,ANTS, JACOLI)KRAMIR &* CO.. 1008 Sherman Ave, E Uni. 21231 V'Isit our niew stior e in No Man's. Land 271,TN49-4tp B3LACK SOIL -3 CUJ3IC 'YARDS, $5; 4, $.50; 5, $8. Cow manure 4 yds., $14: HMardwood for fireplaces, 19 per ton del. qust Anderson. 435 Ridge 'Road, Wilmiette 452. ________________ 27lTN48-4tp ORGANO 80%~ ORGA~NO 1ETITLZUER. BEST rALSO ~.Phone Stucco ftnlsh.dune reas. F Mat'l furn.i Meiviri Skolik Xvii. 3413 CEIL,. CALC., :$2 UP. ItbOM PAPERED, $5; RM. WALL paper cieaned, '$1;- we do aniy kind' of decorating, very rea.4onably'.. Kitcheu, palnited,,$7 tup:,bathroom enameled, $6., up. Alsoit,.outmide painting, very reason-., able. %V01iC reomniended. OISSKOLNIK WINN. 258 FRED 1I. BROBERG COM4NPLIFETE PAINTING- DECORATING SERVIÇE Old four rade like new with electrical dustiess Machine. 1429 Lunt-Briargate 1061- 42LT.N45-tfec PAINTINýG - IORTN PPEIHANGING Experti new stlppling effectu. 1QUALITY WORJ< ONLY A. Rensobil Unvnt7»4 O. DUBIKOOP S& SONS Pain+;ine and Dflpratincr Ili GLENCOXE rove E. NLSýA- -ltD Palntlng S& Intertoir WILMETTE W. E. ERIC' 1612., 42LTN48-3tP corating VraIU n1 &te. David C'OMPLETE MAINTENANCE 946.SEVC pTN42-l2tpSEVC LA-WNS A SPECIALTY _______Nursery Stock. Stone Work (JRS Fertilizers Spriniklers U SBlack Dirt Tree Surgery C:Eff Seed Driveways Coats 2323 Lake Avenue, Phione: Wilmette 561 - Altered 3A1T 4-t netka 101133-T9-t r .9L.1-4tn LA WTW'IN1-1N~ ~~Qi~T..t C.A Carpeni L1JAM R. d generalj repairs. rhead do COULL DESIGI Gowns, Paint Work PIAý Thonr TUNI iting- terior. T49-Itp RING nas 'ER,