Ony neticket wi L ppa on the ballot, thatnominated last mnonth by the Kenilworth Cites' dvor committee,* a group' of. citizens rep- resenting the varlous civic, welfare, and taxing organizations in the con-' munity. £l«%t For Four Yeus Al the offiiials are to, be elected for a four-year terrn. At the first meceting of the new board of trustees, however, three will be chosen> by lot to retire atýthe end of two years. Except forthe tandidate for vil- lage clerk, ail nominees are incun-, bents. The ticket will be as follows: For village president: Harrv P. Harrison. - meeting will be devoted a discus- Sion, of 2the irn- provements of Winmette parks Réeut Ki*ngery and playgrounds. with special ref- erence, to, those now, planned for Washington and Vattman parks. This is the annual, meeting of the league, at which officers and directors for "the coming year will be el-'-.:ted. President Paul C. Lang urges that every member be present, and th'gt reservations be made, early. Taxpayers Kick IAbout Methods and Cumi WstHoId Annl Gat/zering Mayv 18 Ye Olde Towne Foikes, .Wilmette's organizationof residents who have mfaintained a conitinous residence in the village for 25 years or longer, will hold its annual dinner. and program Tuesday evening, May 18. In preparation for'the event Hoyt King. 711 Forest avenue, president, bas appointed the following commith tees: Finance-Dr. Arthur-Tuttie, chair- man, Miss Minnjie E.:,Hughe s, and R. W. FaupeL Program--J. R. Harper, chairman; Herbert Gould, and Hoyt King. Dinner-Miss Florence B ut;, chair- wan,'. H. ýca iLadMis g nes Watson. Piublcity-F. H. Gathercoal, chair- man; Victor Metzger,-and C. E. Ren- neckar. Membership in Ye Olde 'Pnwnt. Winners of first and secon d prizes». as well as honorable mention awards were determined last Priday evening at a meetingr of the three judges: Normai .. Rice; associate dean of the School, Art Institute of Chiçago, and Emil ýZettier, head of the, School of Industrial Art, of the Art Insti- tute, both of whomi served for the North Shore Art league; and 0. D. Clfe, vice-president and production manager of Lloyd.Hollister Inc., who, served for the publications. Decision of the judges resulted .as follows: Mort Street, Anon Mrs. lenry Hobbs, 1824 'Rice 467 i'rovident ave- ing, 1335 Chestnut [Iobbs, 1824 Rice foad, f to succ road. streeét Village Attorney Willi and spe cial attorney Cha son, have been instni, Village board to procee< rn M. Jalnes the duty of the assessor is to les H. Jack, assessments according to the ted by the and not to make the law. ini the col- VilncA M It is also charged that the ass ent such par to avoid mug ever steops a ore o' zrtssparticipati mii est. r Wilmette Man I. >rug Store Manager immons, a resident of the >urn will sing a - s group, sns to st. strike. songsé.