-pictured above are the, masters apad district deprity of the Masoetic lodges on the north shore, comprising 2th district. This grou> is planning details. of their sext. joint meetingq to be held in the Winnetka Masoptic temple Fridoey cevning, April 30, ai 8 o'clock. The, camera man identifies the group as follows, reading f romi left to rigt:- Claude E. Philps, Winnetka lodge 1078,,; George W.. Schneider, Evans lodge 524, Evanston; Sloan F. Hedge- cock, Glencoe lodge, 983; Lewi s A. Paulson, Glenview lodge 1058;, Charleà B. Watson, district deputy, 20th district; Norman W. Smith, Wilmette lodge .931; R, L Sonneborn, Morton Grove lodge 1146;> axnd Icfn P'.~ Clyde, Way- farers Iodge 1001, Evanston. The combined meetings of the 20th district lodges were started about two years ago by Mr. Watson for the pur- pose of bringing into closer unity the 2,50<) tuenbers of the varions lodges. Meetings have been held ini ail the various lodges in the district and thc April 30 gathering will be the second and place, Winnetka Masonic temple, 708 Elm street, Friday, April 30, at 8 p. M. Mrs.,John L. Wilds of 244 Oxford road, Kenilworth,ý read "Weare Not Atonie" 'by James Hilton for the members of her book club who met for luncheon Tuesday with Mrs. Homer Johnson of 158 Melrose ave- --o- Owen e V 7 EXrRA,.SPECIAL SLICED 1BACON IVEAL ROASTS Cnt o the cholcest of. W s- of ýon. i RIE tOAST 0F BIEF Boneless rolled. The choicest, of prime beef, fully 'aged. Very juicy and l.3 9 Sw-lb. j g... geeses pkg.UE Pork Lolin Rousi- CUt from tender, y:oung corn-fed porkers, 2%k to 3 lb&. average, ................. Lb.23c f4.* *ami Finest of prime beef. Ail selected cuts......... Lb. 241/2c IS PIKE................ -.... Lb. »C~ PIKE. 1% to 4 lbs. average .. Lb. 1 SC TROUJT. 2 to 4 lbs. average. ..Lb. 29C conclusion of the meel rf in Olive Ou .. ..... .3 tins u4 , ORANGES Florida Juice r~.rnnuASIPARA Thick, gre, 0f Reduced Gift's for Graduation and Con savinga. CAPONS F0ahcy dreued-a very choice roast, average 63 to 7% lbB. Certalnly they are mk-2. fed and savory... Lb. 39 BROILERS Split, ready for the pan. Milk- ted, fancy . fr.1-0 dressed ......~o e e