1115 In od., to bring y ou oven greater service, and more simpllfied shopping, we are adding this beautifut modern meat department to VOUR fl.1glbo@d Jewel Food Store. During This Big Opening Celebratiofl Vour family wili always enjoy th. celiclous flayer of jewel Meets. You 'wilI have no more menu probtemns. for there is always an attractive varlety ini Jewet Markets. And, because Jewel prices aro Iower EVERY DAY, your budget worries wilI ais* b. .ndied. W. invite you to serve delicious JewCI meets this week- 2b 3c food value-Iow ut SteaksLb [ICHIGAN 1~ ... 2 I. WILMETTB LIFI E * average. t for a kday din-, granda ner. WIL.M.ETTE LIVI