pastor triencis of Kev;tBradiy were the followiing: Monseigneur Daniel Burns of the Church of the Visitation, Chicago; the Rev. FrancisMagner of St. Mary's, va n s ton h;, the Rev. 'liomas.Frielo'f Bride's church, Chi- cago; the Revr. Leo Hartke of St. Athanjus church, Fvanston,; the Rev. William Mockenhaupt of.,St. Nich- olas church, Evanston, and otbers. The Rev.ý John Kennan, assistant pastorof St. Francis Xavier church, was toastmaster, and in a masterfut Manner kept the program mioving at a rapid tempo. Seecthes were inter- spersed with -vocal numbers by Ger- aldine, .Rita and M ar ia,n Weber, daughters of Mr. and Mrs. John M.. Weber, 105 Third street, and Emert .Dettie, lyric baritone soloist of Chi- cago Association of Commerce gie club. the latter accompanied by Miss Marian Setaro,. pianist. George Artz gave a comedy number, "Private Pat Murphy." Spolges Pay Tribute Speakers were Monseigneur Burns; Rev. Martin McNamara, who suc- cecedc Father Brady as pastor of St. Francis Xavier, and several other priests ; Leo J. Hassenauer, 526 Lin- den avenue, who, as representative of the laity, paid eloquent tribute to Rév. appointmnent oéf.bis successor at Washington. Major :Schroeder, who is well. known on the- north shore,- is a1 pioneer aeronautiýcal engineer and pilot, entering aviation in 1910. After six. years of general exhibition work throughout the' country, he enlisted in the Army Air Corps in 1916, and: MWajor Schoeder r emained in the. service until' 1920. During bis military service he .was assigned to the Air Corps engineering division at Daytonwhere he develop- ed a, fund of technical information. Fifteen yçars ago, he mnade -the initial studies on 'stratosphere flying, these tests being conducted fer the Air Corps. At that time he established a world's altitude record and is re- garded as an autfioit*3 on 'tlis sub- He then devoted five years to the fld of aviation insurance, ini con- nection with inspection and licetising of aircraf t throughout the Uniited 'State s.. Joins Ford Comupany *In 1925 Major Schroeder joined the acronautical division of the Ford Mo- 4roacicasting company. -1-legrapi cable, took the mnessage to rule: important nations -at..that time. DepIci PuPo»Os f Awar drafting regulations for. the aircraft safety competitioni it sponsored. Proml 1928 until 1933 Major Schroeder devoted bis time to mnat- agement of flying services and air- ports, notably at Curtiss-kReynolds and Sky ,JHarbor ports. , Thep 1he was appointed chief of airline inspec- tion for the Bureau of Air Com- merce. During the- recent reorganl- ization he becamne first assistant di- rector of the bureau, and in the past several weeks bas spupervised, the plans and studies made by air trans- port operators in coînjuniction with federal agencies for greater air [j and 'Posters depicting the ýpurpose of the award are being sent to colleges, universities, and ýcenters of learning througliout the entire world. These announcements are reproduced froaê a. commissioned- painting by MiloJ Winter, widely known American il- lustrator. The* painting shows. a student ,of. vision, lôoklng toward spires .,set against a large white cross, which overshadows factories, libraries9, and. skyscrapers representing industry, learning, and science. A globe is. be-ý gidè the student to illustrate the, ini- ternational setting for the competi- Slgnifl..ns. of CroSs The significance of the cross lies in the stipulation for the contest made by William Bross, wlio established the foundation. Bross, who was oee of Chicago's p ioneers and early build- ers, stated in the trust fund agree- ment that "at the end of every 50 years . .. a premium. . . . be gven, for the best single book on the con- serveci as pastor. The program ciosed with an ad. dress by Father Brady, who spoke of bis l212~ years of ministry here, count- ing themn the happiest years of hiç life. 0f bis work in the churcb, whicl bas won for him a reputation far be7 yond the confines of the village, h4 spoke féelingly, accrediting his suc- cess te the loyalty and devotion ol bis Darishioners, who, had gathereý f J. M. Eckert Supervises .1Decoration of Archives h Building in Washintgton SJ. M. Eckert, 520 Lake avenue, Wil- If mette, is in Washington, D. C., super- vising the decorating of the new U. S. tiYn. phiosophers and itraso l "M ntl ealtilan nato. This is the first time the Religion" - Lecture major $15,000 prize bas been offered. Dr. Harold L. Bowman, minister Add to Libmr of he irs, Pesbteran hurhof The successful author in the pres- Chfcthe 'ilstPesbynt"ealcHurc hent contest wiîî have bis volume Cndeigon"il speaionnal Holelt added to the Bross Library, which al- -ZRliin a heNtonlCo-g ready containq fourteen. books and nali, during ber spring vac« ew Trier High school;* e. -~1 the