FIVE SIX IFIVE LINCOIN, AYENÙE ..WINNETKA Femin i it uDRESSES Nobilis Triumphafls, first proposed by t)r. C. Russell SinaIl of the school foreign language departniett is COM-, posed of students noted for al around activity. The honor society is muade, up of seniors whose scholastic work during their attendance at \ew Trier has been outstanding. 100 Candidates Report to Coaches as Spring Football Drill Be gins IBY Woodly Wilson fur $prisig aftersnoonis and little evenilngs ;is the grea er to turn New. Town modes ...many, with self Vivid in color ... distinctive in design.. sleel linos. . . definit.Iy f.aturing the allure of feminine contours. PRICiS sTrARiT ATirNIMETEEN NINETY-PiVE May 7 and 8 are dates Set for LIse *senior ply, w NAew Trier High school. Rehearsals are. proceediPsg quickly uitder the direction of Mis * LiisabetI, Stanu'ood and Miner Co- actors who hiave tbac considerable rience in student dramatic plays. year the cast is no exceptionl in respect. ie play chosen, "Lightnin' ", first ented in 1918, was an immediate ess and led to the great popularity I Evanstomi UJN 1ruy22I .S ýed in. en and their children mi this winter.