1II t: LUIJl -ï M& 11 LANDYI tury ago, Colonial Homesteads is now rapidly springing into being with the assurance:of bec'oming one of the most alluring of the mani'y charming resideintial sections. ii the. north shore area. Three of the five'houses cornprising, the> first unit in the building plan, have been completed, and are open for inspection. The othér two are wel under way and . plans haveý been finished for a second unit of five houses ta be started immediàtely.- Included Nwithin Colonial Home- steads, developmeflt are six square blocks, o6.r 90 building, siteýs, each with a minimumfront-age of 7i feet and a depth of 150, feet. AIl iiprovements are in and paid. for. These include paved streets, water. storm and sani-; tary sewer, gas, telephone and elec- 0mb' Colonial Honmes As the name implies, only resi- dences of some type of Colonial archi- tecture niay be built here. This is the architecture native to this country, and a census has shoWn that it is more popular than any other, and that plans, based thereon, may bc laid out and developed to the best ad- vantage. Fortunately there are so miany dif- T ISi Model home, ni an arc'nitcturauNpin Jned community of Country Homnes. ,vill be open for inspec 'tion in Colonial Hlomestèads.Glen- vieiv and Wagner roads, Glenview., hegi'nning Saturday, April 17. A modern treatmcent for a Colonial home, it presents a most impressive appearance through the use of brick on the lower portion, and siding. with vertical battens, on the upper portion. -It' being used in the construction of thiese homes, sorne béing of white- washed brick, some of faced brick, in v'arious shades, some of aIl siding. and some of siding and stone. While the bouses are designed, either for seven. or eight rooms, with attached two-car garage, recreation room. 2¼1' baths. porches, terraces, etc.. there is variatin in the floor ouly a tew basic ti variations. The coloi iuany parts of. the wci h as there are 3t a cy- es with their From these beginnings the bilders re les came from of that time maintained a steady tei d, and yet tbey Proglrels in refinement of the formsns ,est torms e of them in UtheI0on ew road to the lattr club, and west is a' large parcelofprop- (Contlnued on Page 31) irAip 7 7 ri- 7 r,-