~qb In addition te their home games. the Wildcats will play three out of town gaines with Ohio State -at Col- umbus, WVisvonsin at Madison and Minne sota at -. Minneapolis.. The schedule has twoý changes froin. the 1936 card. Purdue replaces Iowa and Iowa State replaces North Dakota State. The complete. schedule with prices follows > Oct. 2-Io*a State at Evanston ... $2.0 Oct. 9-Michlgan at Evanston ...2.76 oct. 16-Purdue at Evanston 2.75 Oct.,t3-Ohio State at Columbus: Oct. 30-Wiscoflli at Madison Nov. 6-Illino19 at Evanston......2.75 Novr. 13-MinlBsotB, t Minneapolis. Nov. 20-Notre'Damne atEvanston..3.30 'Head of Baha'i Eaith TakesAmerican ]Bride The present head of the Baha'i 1Faith, Shoghi Effendi, bas married' Miss Mary Maxwell, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Sutherlanld Maxcwell of Montreal, the National Baha'i As- senibly bas been informed in a cable- gram received froin Haifa, Palestinle. Shoghi' Effendi, the' Assernbly states, is the eldest great-grandson Dernie Photo W h e n ShakesPeare's «Tuelfth Niqh t" is presented at Rock ford col- lege, Saturday, April 24, Miss Fran- ces Rapp, daughter of Dr. and Mrs, D. W. Rap> of 406 Park avenue, Wilmette, uoUl be working on thte technical end of tihe taging. Miss Rapp zuas iet the .Preshman Play ierier ,in the year. Sh*t4t4lee o on thte Freshman Ifonor Roll for ber oiutstanding scholastic work. She wos ant honor student at Newu Trier Hiýq1sschooi. OUL SHÉEENý Perneuut Wave WifM 'F -. Shauupoo oed Pimuer Wav. EUGENE Shnp.-Frng.r- PERMtIEN Twave -Tidmn-Avch PERMNENTJ ~or Manlcum. Your WE SPECIALIZE- IN ALL TYPIES 0F ET RBATY SO * -You'ru in the Reed -& Barton Contest You'iI Want to Cal at Tatmon's Amierican jBana'i isscnu>iy, ~i"is eeu pring itary and successive tbroughout the is heldi cycle of the Dispensation of Baba- Scbool ol y'u'llah, combining the funiction of in- on the f e terpreter of the teachings with the chant of cbairmanship of the House of Justice Miss Bl estblihedby the founder to ad- of L. H.,ý minister the international affairs of New Trie the religion. . the SchoE program is the "Mei who is the daughtt was graduated froi Esquire tells ail about it-the Table Trousseau Contest in wich the famnous silversmiths, Reed & Barton, ofFer mar- velous prizes. And just for a letter teoi- ing which one of ton loveIy patterns youd select. We~ have ail ten for you ta see, one of which is illustrated at the Ieft ta' give you an idea of their loveliness.,